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[The stage of Unsure feelings]

Gia pov.

"Okay so here's youre role in being Ken Ken's parents. Your son's name is Kevin Cartsan. You (pointed Xennon)  will be Mr. Xien Cartsan and Gia would be Mrs. Geian Cartsan."-Sab-

"Its almost the same as our true names."

"If you two forgot your names you can call each other with some endearment."-Sab-

😓 Is it inevitable?.

"Hmm lets see. Baby. Sweetheart. Honey..."

"Oh. I couldn't wait for you to call me those words, darling"-Xennon-

I suddenly felt the urge of wanna punch someone in his face.

I gave him a glare. He chuckled.

"Are you two a thing?"-Sab-


He pouted.


"Im going to win your heart this time for sure"*wink*

Ughhhh this guy's hard headed.


"Ohh so its a one-sided love. Makes sense. Anyways here's your schedule. Mr.Cartsan will drive his family to school at 7:00 and pick him at 5 in the afternoon. That goes for the whole week. Mrs.Cartsan cooks Kevins breakfast, give it to him and makes sure his backpack was ready for today. Then with Her HUSBAND she kiss her son a goodbye at the morning. Goes back with her husband to the house. At these time people think you two are working in your jobs. Its up to you to think fake jobs. Also go on a regular date in weekends so people wouldn't be suspicious. And last but not the least act like a true couple. Hugging, or whatsoever you knew couples do. Questions?"-Sab-

"Do we really have to go on fake dates?"

"Stop whining girl this is your job in this house. And yes you really have to. Or family bonding like that. But you two have to be aware in some danger, I'll give you a gun Gia use it for emergencies okay?"-Sab-

I nodded. And sighed. If I knew I would be a nanny of a little boy and be forced to act like a couple with my suitor, I shouldn't have accepted it. Like the hell I have a choice they surrounded me. Its because of those darn police men who doesn't know how to mind thier own business.

Just then the elevator opened and Ken Ken came running to us.

"Big sis what would be my fake name in the public school?"-Kennan-

"Kevin Cartsan"

He pouted.

"Why wouldn't I just attend one of Uncle's private schools?"-Kennan-

"I think he dont want you to grow up having a bad-ass. So its best for you to be in a public school"

He nodded.

"Then lets start playing house!"-Kennan-


"Yes. Youre my mommy and big bro is my daddy. Im your baby. "-Kennan-

I chuckled. Better get used to it.

Practice I guess...

"Okay babyboy. What do you want to do then?"

"I want to watch mommy and daddy cook hamburgers!"

He squealed.

"Order up!"

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