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[The Kids Little Love.]


After we recovered. Everyone was helping Xennon and focused on him but he says he's not a baby.

I was surprised he still knew how to read and write. Though he started home schooling and in more surprise he is an easy learner.

I have grown strict to him like a mother and became silent like a mute.

I still look at him as the old Xennon. But I missed his smirks, his cheesy lines, his touch, his kiss...

Ohhh fuck Gia here you go again!

I stared from the door as Xennon and Kennan play and tease each other. I smiled as I hear his voice laughing.

Xennon made me feel at home. He makes me happy. He is My World. My Life. My King.

Even when he doesn't remember me I will still love him. I will support his decisions in peace.

I do not deserve someone like him. I dont want to be treated special but he showed me why I should be treated one. I do not want to face my problems but he gave me a reason to make things right. I do not want to fall in love but he twisted things and made me feel why I should fall inlove.

But why? Why in the time I already loved him he dont remember me?

I shaked my head. Its not right to be selfish. I've been selfish all along in my life I think its time to be selfless.

"What will you do now?"

A hand lay on my shoulder as I dont bother to look back because I knew its Sabrina.

I sighed. "If he wants to remember things I will tell him how he felt about me but if not I wont. As simple as that. I... Will help him if he needs me."

She chuckled. "Being the hero now huh."

I smiled. "He's worth saving. Them and Kennan they're worth saving. They hold a special place in my heart..."

"Yeah. After everything... Finally Olivia and Jake will rest in peace wherever they are. "

I nodded. "I think we should pay a visit to them. I never met them."

"Of course."

Then she left.

"Anne come and play with us "

Xennon said as he saw me. I smiled. He calls me Anne than Gia. Which is I was thankful because maybe I will still think of him as the old known Xennon.

"Okay what game "


I nodded and the three of us walked to the video game room.


Okay whoever invented this game can just go and die...

I am defeated for the 1,000th time.

"Who invented this game I'm going to kill em!!"

I said as I stood up in anger while pointing on the screen. Xennon just chuckled.

"Hey come on, dont be sad. Im going to defeat Ken Ken for ya!"

Xennon said as he looked at the screen again.

"Not giving in! Im defeating him for you Mommy."

Ken Ken said. And the two began a new round. I chuckled. He really acts as if we are his parents.

Xennon already knew our mission for Kennan and The Marks. He have no objections.

I looked at the two as they focused on the game. As I lay my chin on my palm. I was thinking if it weren't for them I would have been totally lost in life or maybe...

Maybe... Maybe if I didn't met Ken Ken at that alley I dont know what happened to me. I was thinking of suicide at that time.

And maybe if I didn't met him ten months later I was still hiding and plotting to attack Julius thus time.

Kennan Fitsbirg. A brave little man who rescued me from my despair and helped me to be stronger.

Really. Its really really mysterious. You dont know what the future holds.

The warmth Kennan made me feel strong. He showed me a way to escape the dark depression I have been hiding. He is one of my saviors.

Innocent love really is strong.

And Xennon. Maybe... This kind of ending. Is not that bad. Maybe... Maybe it is happiness of starting over again with him. Atleast if ever he falls inlove with me again. We are somewhat older. Right? No more complicated answers. No more complicated feelings.

Xennon is still Xennon. He's still the sweet Xennon ive known. But he's innocent that's the difference.

If he didn't have amnesia he would have asked me for a date with him many times. I shaked my head remembering what I was thinking in the verge of death at that cage.

Marriage? Abs? Well fuck.

"Anne? Why are you smiling like an idiot?"

Xennon asked me. He must have seen me in the corner of eyes recalling my thoughts.

I looked at him and my eye brow rised.

"Why is my husband's innosence is fading?"

"Awww man how was that even possible!"

Kennan said as he frowned. He tucked my stomach that made me fall in the floor.

"Youre growing strong young man!"

I said as I hugged him and played his hair.

"Sorry I didn't win for you"

I chuckled. "Win or not all that matters for me is both of you being happy." I answered softly.

Xennon stood up and he took me in his arms while Ken Ken is cuddling to me.

Awww these two are sweet.

"Do you want me to be your true husband?"

He asked as he also wrapped his hands around my stomach.

"And where did that question came from mister?"

"From you. You said 'my husband' so typically indicating that you want me to be your husband."

I chuckled. "I was just kidding. Do not take it seriously Xen Xen."


I put my hand on Kennan's mouth to shut him up.

I chuckled as he struggled to take it off. Then he gave me puppy eyes.

"Nope. Not until you promise to shut up."

He nodded. Even raised his right hand like promising something. Then I let go of his mouth.

"Okay fine."

He frowned as he looked away and pouted.

I ticked him and he started giggling.

"H-hey s-stop"

The next thing I knew we are laughing out loud as all of us tickled each other.

I was happy. I was contented. This is my home. This is my family. I will protect them with my life. I love them.

Both of them were my saviors in life.

I was saved because of Kennan's hug and words. I was saved because of Xennon's chessy words and kisses. I was saved because....

Of The Kids Little Love...

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