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[I spat on his dead body.]


My foot managed to reach the knife Julius used when he wounded my leg. Its hurts as hell but I'll be living in hell if I can't rescue Xennon.

I used my teeth to hold it and start cutting the chain in my right hand. Soon enough it broke [tsk thier chains are fragile] so I snatched the knife in my right hand and freed my left hand. The boy who always feed us came with the keys and unlocked the cell door. I thought he would kill me but he unlocked the chains in both of my feet. I can see that his eyes are puffed and dark circles below it. Did he cry?

"Why are you helping me?"

"How does it feels like to lose a lover?"

"It hurts like hell."

"Right. Now if you wish for him to live. Start to walk up. Your friend came to fetch you so basically I'll do what I want to."

He walked out of the cell and unlocked the door. There stood an Unconscious Xennon hanging on the chains looking like... Dead. My knees trembled I stood from afar looking at him with blood dripping from his thorn clothes.

He unlocked the chains.

"Theres still a chance of survival, believe me. For your love's sake. You have to stay strong."

I wiped my tears that I didn't notice. I was crying.

I walked towards him. I have to be strong. My tears have nothing to do. I let my tears flow as I helped him carry Xennon. Its okay.

Its okay...

Im not carrying his corpse. He can still survive. He can. He will.

We carried his cold body and I can't even hear his.... His... Breath...

No he has to hold on.

"Xennon please just hold on. Were almost there."

The boy led our way out of the basement and he took out a gun.

"Get ready young lover. Your path is aint that easy."

He lend me a gun. "Thanks."

As we walk out of the door the men are distracted to look at us and we sneaked out of the back door.

Some of Julius's henchmen saw us that started firing at us.

Tsk. Fuck you Julius.

He and i fired back. Well specifically I dont know his name so I will call him 'him'.

We saw a black van. I recognized it its was Encho's hightech van. It opened and I saw Eive and Encho.

"Oh my gosh Gia! What happened. "

"H-He stopped b-breathing."

I cried. No. No. No.

We lay him at an hospital bed. Encho's van is spacious than it looks in the out side. Whatever.

Eive checked on him.

"Holy shit! We have to take him to the hospital!"

I walked out of the car. "Take him to the hospital."

"What about you? You're tortured! Gia you have to rest"-Eive-

"Im fine! Look Xennon has to survive this. The longer you stay the higher the possibility that he will die. Please. Im fine go without me! Look i got used to that bastards torture but him?! No! You have to go NOW!"

I demanded. I pushed the door close and Encho started the engine. I gave him a take-care-of-him look. He nodded and they drive away.

Please be safe my love. My King. My Life.

Could They Save Her? [Save Series 1]Where stories live. Discover now