Chapter 2

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Y/N was sitting in the class, sipping his bottle and just looking to the roof with an empty brain. Suddenly, he heard someone talk and decided to take a look.

"Nakano Itsuki, pleased to meet you."

"Isn't that the girl from yesterday...?"

He slowly turned to Fuutarou who was having an internal panic and smirked.

"You fucked up didn't you?"

Itsuki started walking to the one of the seats at the back. She looked at Fuutarou who waved at him and talked.


Itsuki stared at him and turned away. She kept walking to the back and sat to the seat just next to Y/N's. She started talking with other girls while Y/N Was looking at her, his head on his arm.

"Fuutarou really fucked up."

Itsuki turned to her left and saw Y/N. She smiled at him and gave him a small wave. Y/N smiled back and took a sip from his bottle.


Fuutarou took his tray with Y/N following him from behind. He was sipping his drink while talking.

"You really fucked up mate didn't you?"

Fuutarou turned and stared at him, making him raise both of his hands. Fuutarou sighed and started following Itsuki.

Y/N slowly looked at him and decided to keep following him, knowing he would fuck up again.

Itsuki stopped at a table and put her tray, making Fuutarou stop and mutter.

"She is eating with her friends..."

Y/N raised his eyebrow and put an arm on his shoulder to balance himself.

"No shit."

Itsuki heard them and slowly looked at them before talking.

"I'm sorry but this table is full."

Y/N nudged Fuutarou and smirked before talking.

"You remember them words?"

Fuutarou pushed Y/N with his shoulder, making him fall to the ground.

This made the girls shocked while Fuutarou just stared at Y/N. Y/N put his arms up and talked.

"Oh come on mate!"

He saw a hand in front of him and decided to take it to stand up.

"You wouldn't fall if you weren't drunk."

Y/N stood up and looked at the girl who helped him before talking.

"Umm... Thank you."

The girl gave him a bright smile and talked.

"I should thank you for being here! You are after Itsuki-Chan, right?"

Y/N looked at her confused for a while before shaking his head. He looked behind to point at Fuutarou but he didn't see him.

"It's Fuu... What the hell?"

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