Chapter 13

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Suicide mentions and stuff, nothing really extraordinary for this book.


"This isn't about me."

Ichika muttered to Y/N, who just stayed silent. The cold breeze contacting with his body as he turned back to the sky.

"What is it about, then?"

He asked to the girl who also turned to the sky, Ichika was blushing because of the thing that happened a few seconds ago.

"You, your feelings..."

Y/N grasped the bar of the fence, eyes closed as he spoke.

"What about them? What's so important about my feelings, Ichika?"

He then turned to Ichika, his face was red, from the cold and also the moment.

"It's not like, you can fix a thing, right? Not like if I tell you I wanna fucking kill myself, I wanna get into a bathtub with fucking jellyfishes, you can't change it, can you?"

Ichika stayed silent, looking at Y/N. She was concerned, it was one of the first times Y/N opened up, it wasn't good.


"You don't know what it is to be worthless, do you?"

Y/N didn't wait for her, he just kept talking.

"Fucking loveless, not father, no mother, my grandpa doesn't fucking know me. The teacher is feeding me Ichika! That guy feels bad for me... Him!"

Y/N's words stung Ichika's heart, she didn't want him to feel that. Ichika wanted Y/N to know that he was loved, she loved him, Fuutarou did, her sisters did... He wasn't alone... Looked like there was no point in that.

"You wanna talk about feelings? Let's talk about them."

He then took the bottle from his pocket and spoke.

"I am a lonely ass cunt who can't wait to kill himself, that's what you wanna hear?"

Y/N stared directly into her eyes, seeing a tear running down from her cheek.

"I used to drink to stay awake... I didn't want my days to end but now, I drink because I want it all to end..."

He took a sip from his bottle, eyes closed, he felt a tear, he was confused.

"I'm not a good person, Ichika. You shouldn't talk with me. I-I shouldn't be here."

Ichika stared at Y/N, their eyes met. For the first time since they met, Ichika could see the emotions in his eyes, sadness, guilt, regret...

"We love you, Y/N."

Was all she said, Y/N stared at her, the boy was nearly the same height as him, it was easy for her to stare at his eyes.

Y/N shook his head and spoke.

"No you don't."

With that, he left the balcony, leaving the girl alone all by herself, with those emotions...

Please don't do it.


"What were you even thinking?"

"That's a question I ask myself everyday."

Y/N muttered to the mirror, he was talking to himself while trying to calm himself down in the bathroom.

"You don't. Because you don't think. You're just and asshole, you always try to do what you want."

Y/N splashed the water on his own face and looked up to the mirror.

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