Chapter 8

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"It all started when I was five. I was sleeping, then I heard some shoutings. Got up, walked down the stairs only to see my father and mother fighting..."

Y/N took a sip from his drink and looked at Nino forma second, then continued.

"Beers on the table, my mom looked mad. Apparently my dad was drunk and he said some bad shit to my mom, I don't remember what it was but I remember my brother pulling me back to my room."

Nino looked at him, a bit shocked.

"You have a brother?"

Y/N took a sip from his drink then nodded.

"My brother was always the perfect one. He was the one everyone loved and looked up to. He was the reason I was neglected because, who gives a fuck about me when he exists?"

Nino wanted to talk, she wanted to tell him that there was people who cared about him, mostly her sisters. But she couldn't.

"I-I hated him. He was always the good one and I was the useless. One day, when my mom and my brother was away. I walked down the stairs and sat on the couch. They dad came in from the kitchen. He sat next to me with a bottle in his hand, obviously drunk but I didn't know that at the time. He looked at me, pushed me slowly then gave me a bottle and said..."

He took another sip from his drink then stretched the bottle to Nino.

"Have this kid, you will like it."

Nino looked at Y/N who just pulled his bottle back and took another sip. He then sighed then talked.

"I took the bottle and started drinking from it... That's when the door opened and mom entered with my brother. She looked at us shocked then approached to me. Snatched the bottle away from me then threw it on the ground. Then slappes my dad. I wanted to stop her, stop her from shouting, hitting my dad and all..."

Y/N looked at Nino and talked.

"Years passed, they found different persons now. My dad with a woman who has twins and my mom with someone else. I learned that they met when my parents weren't divorced. They drifted apart, slowly... Those fights started after..."

Y/N slowly stood up and looked at Nino before putting his drink in his pocket and talking.

"You don't want to drift apart with your sisters, right? You're scared that them being with us will change things between you..."

Y/N took a sip from his drink and talked.

"My story has nothing to do with your problem right now but I wanted to waste your time."

He shrugged and walked away, leaving Nino look at him from behind. She then shouted.

"You're right!"

Y/N stopped at his place and turned at Nino who approached him and kept talking.

"I-I don't want to drift a-apart with my sisters..."

She said, looking down. Y/N sighed and took a sip from his drink before talking.

"They're your sisters Nino. They won't leave you."

Nino looked at his eyes, she found comfort in them. She slowly approached Y/N but before she can do something, she heard her sister.

"Nino, are you going to come already?"

Nino turned to Miku and blushed. She then smiled and talked.

"A-A minute!"

She then turned back, only to see Y/N walking away with his earphones on.



Y/N was sitting in the Uesugi house, reading a book with Raiha's head on his shoulder. Y/N was reading it for Raiha too. It wasn't really a book she would understand but did he care? Nope.

"See what it says?"

Y/N asked to Raiha who just shook her head, telling the boy that she didn't understand.

"Someone who didn't solve himself can't solve another problem but himself... It kinda means that if you can't help yourself, you can't help other people."

Y/N said to the girl. Raiha looked at the boy, a bit confused then asked.

"But how can I help myself Y/N-nii?"

Y/N patted the girls head then put the book aside before talking.

"Before helping other people with their problem like I do, you should solve your own problem first."

Y/N said to Raiha. Before she can talk, they heard Fuutarou who stopped studying for a second.

"She isn't old enough to understand that."

Fuutarou said, staring at Y/N. Y/N raised his eyebrows and stared at Fuutarou while asking.

"Do you understand what I mean Raiha?"

Raiha quickly nodded her head and smiled brightly to the boy.

"I do Y/N-nii! I understand!"

Y/N smirked and gave Fuutarou a wink. Fuutarou gave him a middle finger while Raiha wasn't looking. Fuutarou then heard a knocking on the door and walked to it, leaving his sister alone with Y/N.

Raiha climbed to Y/N's lap then cutely asked.

"Y/N-nii. You did you helped other people without solving your problems, right?"

Y/N raised her eyebrows and nodded. Raiha tilted her head and asked.

"Why? Why do you help onii-chan before you help yourself?"

Y/N gave the girl a small smile then patted her head and talked.

"My problems are unsolvable. So instead of working on them, I'm working for your brother's."

Raiha put her head on her hand and looked at Y/N cutely before asking.

"Why are they unsola- unsolia- unsolvable?"

Y/N looked at Raiha's eyes. He felt himself getting a bit emotional since he saw he like his sister. His sister asking him to help himself, solve his own problems that he never even fought... Y/N knew that he couldn't stop it. His drinking problem, his bad thoughts that sometimes came to his mind...

He smiled to the girl and patted her head again before answering her question.

"This is not like books your dad and Fuutarou reads to you Raiha... You remember what my book said?"

Raiha stopped for a while then said a random quote from the book.

"Why are you fiction Olric?"

"You're real and what did it change my lord?"

She said in her cute voice, making Y/N chuckle and shake his head.

"Raiha, in real world you can't solve every problem... I can't solve mine."


I'm trying guys, I'm trying! The chapters never are like I plan them to be so sorry about that.

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