Chapter 14

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"Come on wake up you dumb fuck. You're trying way too hard to sleep."

Y/N slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes as the shouting from someone woke him up. He stared blankly to the closed TV before looking around, confused.

"Where the hell..."

When his eyes landed on Ichika, he sighed, remembering where he was. He's in the Quints' house. He slept at their couch.

He shook his head and stoop up, giving Nino and Ichika a small wave as he walked to the bathroom.



Only Nino replied, though she sounded like she didn't want to. Y/N's eyes landed on Ichika for a few seconds, he then walked into the bathroom and locked the door.

As he stared at the mirror, the memories of the night hit him.

"Ah good job, you fucked up again."

"Honestly, shut up."

He mumbled as he washed his face, his mind wandering around those words Ichika said to him.

"We love you..."

He stared at the mirror and groaned, pushing his hair away from his eyes and look back at the door.

"I should go out."

He looked at the ground and nodded to himself.

"Good idea."

As he walked out of the bathroom, he heard Ichika ask Fuutarou about Miku.

"Library, maybe?"

His hand at the back of his head. Y/N stared silently, a small unamused grin appearing on his lips. He saw Fuutarou turn at him and mouth the word "help.". Y/N sighed and nodded.

"Sounds about right."

When Ichika turned at Y/N, he continued.

"She did told me that we should study in the library."

Ichika nodded and smiled.

"Sounds good, we should study at the library! I'll let Yotsuba know."

As Ichika took her phone Y/N and Fuutarou's eyes met. He pointed to Ichika with his head and then pointed to himself with his finger. He showed Fuutarou the door, making him nod.

"Uh, you guys should go now. I'll catch up to you!"

Ichika looked at the boy, confused.

"Huh, why?"

Fuutarou gave her a small shrug and answered the question with honesty.

"Well I need to do some stuff."

Ichika stayed silent then nodded, walking to the door without giving a look to Y/N. Fuutarou's eyes turned at Y/N, confused, making him shake his head and walk out of the house.


The first few minutes of the walk was silent. All Y/N could hear was the footsteps they took, the cars passing and the people chatting. As his eyes landed on Ichika who walked, ignoring his existence completely, nothing came to his mind.

He was panicking, he didn't know what to do or say. As the fights began in his mind, he saw Ichika take a quick glance at him and looked away.

He heard Ichika sigh and stop, making him stop as well.

"Can you stop that?"

Y/N's eyes met hers as he asked, confused.

"Stop what?"

Ichika pouted and pointed at his face, she then made a circular motion, around his face then spoke, madly.

"That, that look! I want to stay mad at you!"

Y/N raised his eyebrows, confused by her small outburst. His arms crossed as he asked.

"What do you mean?"


Ichika groaned, not able to let the words she wanted out of her mouth. She then took a step closer and stared directly into Y/N's eyes, still mad.

"Just don't look at me. Okay?"

Y/N stayed silent then nodded.


Ichika gave him a firm nod and turned away, starting her walk once again.

A walk to school, a thing Y/N never thought he would do. But there he was, his heart beating non stop as he walked next to Ichika. His eyes were always lingering on her, he wasn't able to take them away.

"I'm sorry."

He whispered, barely hearable. But Ichika heard it. Her eyes widened as she turned at him. As her eyes met his face, she saw his expression, it was real.

Y/N looked away, not able to look at Ichika. Ichika sighed and placed a hand on his face, stopping both of them. She turned Y/N's face to her, meeting their eyes.

"Did you mean those words..?"

Y/N looked down, silent. He gulped and shook his head softly.

"Not all of them, no..."

Ichika stayed still, her eyes now sliding down at his lips. She shook her head and lifted his head up.

"Y/N, it's okay..."


He asked softly. Ichika gave him a smile and nodded. As his eyes lingered on her face, he knew it. She was serious, and her smile... Her smile was real.

"It's okay."

Y/N gave her a small smile and nodded.


"I'm home."

He whispered softly and closed the door behind him. Y/N made his way to the kitchen and took out some pasta from the fridge. He put it on a plate and heated the plate up before putting it in front of his grandpa. He put some dogfood for Max and sat on the couch. He slowly took his bottle out bur before he could drink it, he heard a knock on the door.

Y/N walked to the door and opened it, his eyes landed on the blushing girl. Itsuki had a bag in her hand and she was looking at him, embarrassingly. She gulped and spoke.

"H-Hey Y/N! I... I need help with literature..."

Y/N stared at her for a while then stepped aside, letting her in.

"You can sit on the couch, I'll make coffee."

He walked to the kitchen and left Itsuki alone in the living room. She walked past his grandpa who looked like he was sleeping. She sat on the couch and placed the bag on the coffee table. Her eyes then landed on the painting hanging on the wall.

It was a painting of an old man and woman, the woman had her head on his shoulder and he was fishing.

Y/N walked in with the coffee and placed it on the coffee table before he spoke.

"Let's start then."


Hello to all of you! Y/N is back! With Downs and Ups, he's ready! I would like to inform all of you, his development will be slow.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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