Chapter 11

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Sitting on his desk, earphones on. Y/N was doing nothing in class. He saw Fuutarou talk with Itsuki, normally he woukd first come to Y/N but they were kinda ignoring each other.

"I will talk with him later..."

The song coming from his mp3 made him relax a bit... No reason, he was just calm now. No drinks since he doesn't have anymore money left from the money his parents gave him.
Usually Fuutarou would step up in that time and buy him two cans of beer but... Well they don't talk.

Y/N turned in front of him and looked with the corner of his eyes to Itsuki. He saw her smile to Fuutarou then stand up. She approached to him and touched his shoulder, making Y/N take his earphones off.


Itsuki showed Y/N a problem from her notebook and talked.

"Hey Y/N-kun! Can you teach these to me?"

Y/N looked at the problems on the notebook. It surely wasn't that hard, even for Y/N. He shrugged and nodded, making Itsuki pull her chair next to his desk and sit on it. She then looked at Fuutarou and sticked her tongue out.

Fuutarou looked at Y/N menacingly.
Y/N stared at Fuutarou emotionless, making him walk out of the classroom.

"So, first of all..."


Y/N was sitting in a bench, just out if the school. He was listening his music while thinking, all alone. He then saw someone walk towards school, someone he knew.

The man saw Y/N and approached him before asking.

"Hey kid. You feel better?"

Y/N looked at him and nodded, making the man smile. James then took out something from his bag and gave it to him.

"One can and one only."

Y/N took the can from him and looked at it for a while. He then gave the man a small smile and talked.

"Thanks teach."

The man nodded and sat down next to him before taking his own can. He opened it and took a sip before asking.

"So tell me, what's your problem?"

James asked, making Y/N look at him. Y/N slowly opened his car and looked away. He then talked.

"That day at the festival... I was supposed to be with someone and his sister."

James nodded. He actually knew who the someone was but it wasn't really important. He took a sip as he listened Y/N continue.

"Pass my day with them... My first festival. And I wasn't there. Just left him alone with five girls. Now he is ignoring me."

James raised his eyebrows and took a sip from his can. He then talked.

"Why is he ignoring you? Is Uesugi fucking stupid or something?"

Y/N gave James a look then shook his head. He looked down to the ground, making James realize why Fuutarou was distant to him.

"You didn't tell him that you passed out, did you?"

Y/N shook his head, making James sigh. He put his can on the ground and continued.

"And he had no idea that you were at the hospital, he just think you left."

Y/N nodded this time. James shook his head and nudged Y/N. Y/N looked at James and he talked.

"Talk to him kiddo. He might be the one to help you, who knows."

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