Chapter 7

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And if you don't love me now
You will never love me again.
I can still hear yo-

Y/N slowly took his earphones off and looked at the girls in front of him. Nino at his left, Miku at his right and Itsuki in front of him, next to Ichika.

"So, did your game of justice end? Can I go now?"

Y/N asked, only to get a no by Ichika. Y/N raised his eyebrows and stopped for a while before talking.

"Who are you to stop me?"

Nino looked at him and furrowed her eyebrows. She then hit the table and shouted.

"Shut up, rapist!"

Y/N tilted his head and looked at her, clearly confused. He then asked.

"When did I rape someone...?"

Nino only stared at him. He then saw a photo in front of him and he looked. Not at the photo but the owner of the phone which was Itsuki.

"You have to explain this and we will let you leave."

Nino shook her head and pulled Itsuki away from Y/N before talking.

"What's to explain? Your honor, he stayed hidden at our house and waited for me to get out of shower so he can rape me! Him and his friend should get banned from our house!"

Y/N put his mp3 in his pocket then looked at the girl before talking.

"That's false."

Ichika looked at Y/N and asked, rather calmly.

"Why? Do you have anything to defend yourself with?"

Y/N turned at her and crossed his arms before talking.

"I'm not gonna defend myself to you. I'm not anyone important for you anyways."

Itsuki was going to say something but she just decided against it, just like Ichika did. Ichika wanted to tell Y/N how wrong he was but she just couldn't. Not when he was getting interrogated for attempting to rape her sister.

Miku slowly raised her hands and asked Ichika for permission to talk. Ichika nodded at her and she started talking.

"When Fuutarou left, Nino went to the bathroom to take a shower but she forgot about Y/N who was sleeping on the couch the whole day. I can easily say that Y/N didn't hide and he was just sleeping there."

Y/N snapped his fingers and pointed to Miku before talking.

"Yeah, please defend me while I go wash my hands..."

Y/N said and touched at his head, feeling some blood. He had no idea how they came, did he hit his head again? Or did he start fighting when he is drunk... Again.

He slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom, leaving the girls to themselves.

"You're taking his side?! He can't even deny his own crime because he did it!"

Miku shook her head then corrected her sister.

"He didn't defend himself because he simply doesn't care about what people think. I thought it was clear enough."

Nino shook her head, rally mad at her sister. She didn't expect her sister to take a rapists side over hers. Nino then turned to Ichika and talked.

"Your honor, Miku is defending him because she loves him."

Miku blushed and started stuttering.

"T-That's not true."

Miku said. Nino, now more mad, looked at her sister and shouted.

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