Chapter 4

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"Thanks for gathering here, today."

Fuutarou said and looked at the quints that were sitting just in front of him and Y/N. Y/N raised his eyebrows at him and talked.

"We're at their house..."

Miku nodded at him and talked.

"That's right..."

Fuutarou stopped for a second before giving the papers he prepared to Y/N. He then looked at him and talked.

"Can you please give this to them? A simple test... I don't feel good."

Y/N looked at his hand before taking the papers. He slowly pushed Fuutarou and talked.

"Of course you don't. You got drugged after all."

When she heard what he said, Nino turned at him and gave him a middle finger. Y/N completely ignored her and looked at the papers.

"Fuutarou probably worked all night for this..."

He turned to the girls. He was about to talk but Nino cut him.

"Didn't I tell you we don't need a tutor?"

Y/N raised his eyebrows. He then slowly approached her and talked.

"Just take this test so I can leave."

He put the papers on the table but nobody took them.

"Why do we need to take your test?"

Y/N turned at Itsuki and shrugged. He took his bottle off his pocket and answered her question.

"If any of you pass 50, we won't come back again."

This made all the girls look at him excited. Well maybe all except Ichika since she just woke up. Itsuki put her glasses on and took the paper before talking.

"Fine then."

The quints looked at Itsuki, a bit shocked.

"Itsuki are you serious?"

Nino asked, making Itsuki nod and talk.

"All I need to do is pass and then I'll never have to see their faces."

Y/N nodded and slowly sat to the ground. He took a sip from his drink and talked.

"Thank you."

Suddenly, Yotsuba jumped up and shouted.

"Let's do this, guys!"

Y/N only raised his eyebrows and watched them hype themselves up.

"Oh, fine."

Ichika said and stood up before taking the paper. Unlike the rest, Nino scoffed and talked with her arms crossed.

"We don't owe you this but you need to learn to not underestimate us."

Y/N raised his eyebrows and gave her a small smirk. He then took his mp3 and put his earbuds on, waiting for them to finish.

It took a while for the quints to finish and Y/N to grade all of it with the answers Fuutarou gave him but he did.

Y/N looked at the papers in front of him then looked at the quints and talked.

"5 people and you only managed to score a hundred combined? You really need Fuutarou."

The girls stood up then started running away as Y/N just watched them run and took a sip from his drink.

He then saw one of the quints standing in front of him and raised his eyebrows before asking.

"You're not running?"

Itsuki crossed her arms and shook her head. She then looked at him and talked.

"How did you grade our tests? Didn't you get like 29 in your own test?"

Y/N shrugged and sat down on the couch, Itsuki soon following his action and did the same.

"I honestly thought you would be the one who doesn't talk to me."

Itsuki gave him a look and shrugged. She then snatched his bottle away from him and talked.

"I knew that something was wrong with you when you acted mean. Then I remembered how you fell to the ground and how Fuutarou said it's because of you were drunk."

Y/N nodded and tried to take his bottle back. Itsuki didn't fight and just gave his bottle to him.

"That's a good story. You should be and author. Will you make a love interest for me too?"

Itsuki scoffed and shook her head. She then saw Y/N giving her the test she did and asked.

"Why is this for?"

Y/N shrugged and answered.

"Fuutarou will most likely ask if you reviewed your the test. Just take a look at it so he won't bother you."

Itsuki blushed and took the paper. She then smiled at Y/N and talked.

"Thank you."


Fuutarou was running to the school, muttering while Y/N was behind him listening songs. Y/N saw Fuutarou stop in front of the school and a car stopped in front of him.

A fancy car, it looked expensive. It was a limousine. Y/N raised his eyebrows and took a sip from his bottle before looking at the window of the car.

Suddenly, the door opened and he saw Itsuki. He took a step back and gave her a small wave. Itsuki also gave him a wave and talked.

"Don't stare, it's rude."

Y/N nodded at her and turned to Fuutarou. He then saw the quints rush to the stairs and Fuutarou shout behind them.

"Running again?!"

He dropped his book and talked.

"Look carefully, I don't have anything on me!"

The girls stopped and Nino pointed at him before talking.

"You aren't tricking us!"

"He might try to teach us stuff once we let our guard down."

Fuutarou ran towards them and started talking, making Y/N sigh and take the book he threw to the ground. Knowing that his friend would totally forget the book.

"I'll admit to our inadequacies. But we'll solve our problem on our own."

He heard Itsuki say. He slowly shook his head and took a sip from his bottle. He then put his earbuds on ans sat on the stairs.

He then slowly dozed off, leaving Fuutarou to deal with the quints.

It was his work after all, right?

Y/N wasn't even supposed to be there and help him in the first place. He had his own problems.

Like help his grandpa to move or feed Max and their bird. He didn't have time for them but he wanted to help Fuutarou.

That was the first time he thought about someone else but himself and his grandpa...


Bad chapter, I know. Just trying to make a bound between the quints and Y/N so they will have a reason to want to study with Fuutarou.

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