Part Two, Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Pyramid

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Based on the Volition Inc.™ game: Saints Row 2™


The last thing I saw as I drove into the parking lot of the house opposite of the pyramid were several armored trucks to leave the space in front of the science facility. Shaundi and Pierce had done what they were supposed to, meaning that Johnny and I were ready to break Julius out.

Of course, there were still guards stationed outside but I would deal with them from the rooftop of the opposite building. I even winked at the two out front as I drove past it.

I parked my car down in the lot, taking the briefcase with me as I caught the elevator for the rooftop. I peeked from the edge, seeing straight down at the entrance and even being able to make out a window, through which we could break into the pyramid.

I unlocked the case and looked the parts of the sniper rifle and tow cable, smiling. I began to construct the rifle, it getting heavier with each piece that I added until the weapon lay in my hands, long and heavy.

I rested the rifle onto the edge of the roof, carefully paying attention for no one seeing me. I took an additional flashlight out of the case and blinked towards the building to the right of the pyramid. That was where Johnny was with a sniper rifle of his own.

Each of us are supposed to take one of the guards before shooting the tow cable to the window and enter the Pyramid. Therefore, we had to take out our guard at the exact same time as the other for no one to be alerted. I will take the left one and him, the right one since that was the only one, he could see.

I held my breath and aimed for the man's face, pulling the trigger, and killing him merely half a second after Johnny did so. Immediately, I tossed aside the gun, grabbed the tow cable out of the case and released the rope so it teethed itself into the wall, right above the window through which we would break in. I deconstructed the rifle again and let the case drop into my car from the roof. Since it was a metal one, I doubt that the rifle was damaged in any way.

Although we had decided for a quite stealthy entrance, I did not care to cause a disturbance. I had my two pistols and I wouldn't stop until I was back outta here with Julius Little behind me. Johnny and I unholstered our weapons as we caught our footing after sliding down the cable right in front of the large window.

As I peeked inside, I could see even more of the MASAKO soldiers of Ultor roaming the perimeter. The room we were able to see into was like a large castle or ball room, with chandeliers and a balcony-like second floor.

One could already see the scientists though, working in their lab coats above desks with people locked up behind them. So that's what this was. Another more reason to cease its existence.

I broke the window with the grip of my pistol, carefully stepping inside with Johnny close behind me. I loaded the weapons and began walking around the railing, up to the stairs leading down when the first soldiers saw me. I began emptying my bullets into their bodies and their Kevlar armor offered only little protection against my split points. I was walking and shooting like the queen of the world, Johnny having my back and shooting the ones that I could not see with his submachine gun.

I changed clips just when he was mowing down soldiers with salvos of bullets. And I released my total of sixteen bullets when he was changing the magazine of his gun. We spared the scientists, letting them run out of the Pyramid. As soon as there was no one left, we began freeing the people caught behind the glass pods who were impatiently banging against it, grateful to see someone saving them.

Julius was among the last we freed and the only one who was sitting on the floor with his head on his knees, patiently waiting or sleeping. When I knocked on the glass, he looked up surprised. The pods must be soundproof.

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