6) Moving On

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Lisa's Pov.

"I seem to notice your aura is different, lately. Is it possible that you're in love.?" Jisoo asked.

"Not in love, I'm just happy." I replied plainly.

"Can I find out who is the cause of your happiness? Maybe i could thank her making my friend happy."

"Her name is Jane. I haven't seen her in person yet, I only know her through text. I have no idea how she looks like, I'm happy exchanging conversation with her." I said honestly.

"what fuck !!! Text? Are you two of you like in 70s? God, lisa. !!! we are in 2022 already lisa. we are in the modern generation. FB, messenger, Instagram, whatsapp that you can ask for so you can see her." She said in disbelief.

I laughed at what Jisoo said.

"Relax Jisoo, I know what you mean, i also think about that at first. It's just, I just want to enjoy what we're doing At this time. We both don't know much about each other, we're just flirting." I replied as I drank the whiskey from my glass.

"oh interesting."

"yeah. The connection I feel with her is different. She made me do such thing even just in text. now , I'm curious what I can do when I see her in person." I said while smirking.

"So there, a chance you two we'll meet each other.?" She asked curiously.

"There is !! but not now. She's staying in busan. But I want to see her,so bad." I replied seriously.

"So, what do you feel about her ? is it just about sexual desire, or more than that?"

"Actually, there's a part of me where I want to get to know her more. But it's too early to do that. I want to see her in person first. Even though i feel like i'm comfortable with, her i still don't trust her that much."

"So you haven't told her that you are still married and about your condition.?" she asked.

"no she doesn't even know my real name. From what I said, we were just flirting. I'll just tell her everything when we meet, and if I feel comfortable with her in person . It still depends on the situation. But Now, it's better for my information to be safe . I know she also does the same."

"just in case you like her , Lisa. You need to settle everything especially your divorce from your wife."

"about the divorce. I already talked to Attorney Park. And your girlfriend scolded me. She told me if only I hadn't been so stubborn, and I immediately signed the divorce paper that sent to me by my wife , She would have had no problem right now. And yeah !!! I admit that i already regret that I didn't sign the divorce papers that were sent to me."

I saw jisoo smirk when she heard what I said. It's true that these past few weeks, I've realized that I've locked myself in too much for my love to my wife. Having conversation with jane, helps me a lot. She made me feel that I can also be happy without thinking her.

"wow , you moved on from your wife. Huh ? I'm happy for you Manoban." She said teasingly.

"I think I still love her, yes . still do. but I also think that I'm in the process of moving on. We can't tell !!! maybe Jane , is really destined for me.." I replied seriously while drinking alcohol on my glass.

"i wish for your happiness lisa." jisoo said, as she raise the glass that she was holding and they also did the same.

It's been over a month since Jane and I texted. No one is opens about our personal life. The only thing I know about her is, Jane is her name I asked her how old she is but she just said . She's at 20s and not more than 30. She didn't even bother to ask how old i am.

Our constant topic was, what we did all throughout the day. sometimes I just laugh, because we seem to have a relationship with what we do. She always gets mad at me when I skip my meal . She will get upset if I take too long to replay to her message. And me ?? I'm like an idiot who nervously explain to her why I take so long to replay.

I don't understand why I feel this way. she made me feel like, I don't want her to be angry or upset with me because I'm nervous that she might not text me anymore.

The day doesn't end without a sexual conversation. I like how she rides my sexual jokes on her. We even fucking each other through text, funny right? I always end up stroking myself , and she knows that . I'm always horny as fuck , everytime she got naughty on her message.

She's so wild , and so am i . I can't stop myself being excited to see her in person.

Sometimes I wonder if we will be comfortable when we meet in person, knowing that sex is always our topic. But we are open to each other. I asked her one time, if I can fuck her when we meet. She said yes, but it still depend on the situation.

I will admit that I'm sexually attracted to her. And that's why my desire was pushing me that i really need to see her in person.I always attempted to tell her about my condition, that im intersexual. But i always think that i don't want to explain to her about it through text. I even tried to call her so many times but I just gave up because she wouldn't really answer.

Now I'm curious how she will react, when she found out that i have a male genitals. Hope you still accept me.

I am the type of person who is not afraid or ashamed of what others will say about my condition. Why should I be afraid and ashamed? I am blessed with what I have. And I accept myself as well as the people who love me.

So far I have not had an encounter that someone embarrassed me when they found out my condition. Almost all of them were surprised but they never judged me. And thankful for that.

Through text ( Completed )  Lisa G!P Where stories live. Discover now