12) sister's talk

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Dahyun's Pov

I haven't been able to focus since earlier when I found out that Jennie unnie and Lisa are already married for 5 , fucking years. I know that unnie runaway back then with Hoyeon five years ago. How come they have been married for five years. ?

Urghhhhh !!! That annoys me. Because I feel like eonni betrayed me. She has been keeping this secret to us for three years.

"dahyun  .."

"You fuck you little ...... Urghhhhh .... .. Can you please don't just talk behind my back." I didn't mean to curse to Yeri but, I was so shocked.

"watch your mouth, dahyun.when eonni hears you, the shape of your mouth will change." she replied seriously, I rolled my eyes. " What are you thinking? And when did you become jumpy?" she added.

"eonni and Lisa." I said . I put my elbow on the table.

"Don't you want them for each other? What's the problem."

"It's not like that, I just want to know how they became together. And why did they broke up?" I ask curiously.

" Maybe they had sex ? after eonni felt that lisa's finger was more expert than Hoyeon , so she chose Lisa." we both laughed at what she said. Yeri's boldness sometimes make her effortless funny .

"And if you're having  problem about their breakup, don't worry. Did you see the reaction of the two of them when they met?" I nodded in response.

"We know eonni, she's just acting like she doesn't want to go back to lisa. While lisa is scared so she's suppressing her reaction. That's the advantage if you're a future psychologist, i know to observe and interpret people's behaviors around me." She said proudly.

I know Yeri is smart. and I believe in her because she's really good at observing the movements and behavior of people around her. I knew she would be a good psychologist someday.

"So that means there's a chance they'll get back together." I asked.

"It depends on what the reason of their divorce. But I can see on how they look, I'm sure they still love each other." she explained.

"Where is eonni now, she needs to explain to us."

"Don't look her, maybe there's a clit grinding going on right now. Eonni is just acting like she didn't feel anything earlier, but for sure her clit is tingling when Lisa hug her ." I choked on my own saliva at what she said.

"why both of you think so much obscenity?" my soul almost parted from my body when eonni suddenly spoke behind us.

It's a good thing I didn't curse her, because by chance she might slap me.

"come on eonni, there are no minors among us here. I'm the youngest and i'm already 19 there is nothing wrong with talking about sex ." Yeri reason out.

"There's nothing wrong with talking about sex. But talking about my sex life without me. That's what's not good." she scolded us.

I was just quietly listening.

"fine, sorry eonni. Now that you're here, can we talk about it." Yeri said sarcastically. Eonni raised her eyebrows as she folded her arm around her waist.

"not about sex, i mean about You and Lisa eonni. Remember you owe that explanation to us." Yeri added nervously.

"right !! explain to us eonni, I've been confused since earlier." I said . Eonni pulled up a chair and sat down in front of me and Yeri was next to her.

"when I runaway with hoyeon, we were only together for a week. She break up with me. for the reason that I could not give myself to her,  I felt like i'm not ready at that time. The last thing i remember, I drowned myself in alcohol i was drunk .  I was surprised the next morning when I woke up, i am in an unfamiliar room. and that’s where I got to know Lisa. She took care of me and never took advantage of my drunkenness. She let me live in her home. We became comfortable , We both felt the connection. I feel safe when I was with her and I was super happy. After a month she suddenly  ask me if i wanted to marry her, and I agreed. "  my eyes widened at what I heard, I saw the smirk on Yeri's face.

"a month eonni, are you serious.? you didn't even act hard to get on her.?" I asked her.

"I felt like we were for each other that time," she casually replied

"is that all.?" I ask

"Our two years being together as a couple I realized a lot to myself, that I had a lot of things I didn't do because I got married so early. " she explained.

"So, you left without saying anything ? just like that.?" Yeri suddenly asked. I frown at what I heard.
" Don't look at me like that eonni. At lisa's reaction earlier she was obviously traumatized, she thought you left her." Yeri added.

"I didn't intend to leave without saying goodbye, ok.!!  She was at the business conference when I found out what happened to mom. I was so worried about you two, I panicked and I immediately went home to Busan. I was so stressed thinking about what should i do, that time. I lost my phone, I can't memorize Lisa's number. and you know me, right .? you know that I'm sick when it comes to memorizing the numbers, that even my own number I can't memorize. "

"what a lame reason eonni, we were in modern generation now what's the purpose of social media.?" I asked.

"lisa is an old fashion type of person. she doesn't have social media. and you know I don't have either." she replied.

"so maybe that's the reason she didn't find you!  do you love her, eonni ?." Yeri asked.

"ok, that's enough. that doesn't make sense anymore because we're going to finish what we have." she casual response.

"but ...." I complained but she cut me off.

"no more but's Dahyun. I don't want you to interfere my love life again. because the first and last time you interfered, the result wasn't good."
She said.

"Tell us first why you left Lisa eonni ?." I ask her .

"I already told you that there's a lot of things i want to do,  but i can't do it because I got married early.  And I never regretted what I did , you know why ?." I shook my head while Yeri was just listening to what eonni was saying. "Because I learned to stand on my own  feet, I took care of you two. Lisa was also successful, that I think it would be better if we separated.And I don't think I would be what I am now, if I didn't leave at that time." she explained.

"ok if you really don't want to be with her, we won't force you. but you can't hide from me that you still love her eonni, i can sense it in your action. and don't deny it because you know me eonni!! I just respect your decision so I don't want to interfere. " Yeri bluntly said before she entered her room.

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