26 stupid

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Lisa's Pov

I do not know what to do right now . I want to stop her but she yells at me, every time I say that we should go home so that we can isolate ourselves.  I don't even know why I agreed for us , to come here at the  company. it's a good thing that all the employees here are wearing face masks. so somehow it's still safe, as long as they don't come near my wife and me.

Urghhhhhh, What is wrong with her, does she really  want,  to infect the people here in the company?  My thoughts.

We entered the elevator ,  I stopped some  the employees who wanted to go with us. I noticed my wife, as if she didn't care about the happenings around her. but I'm worried that she might infect all the employees here.

When we got out of the elevator, I immediately sprayed alcohol inside to kill the virus we left inside.

She greeted my secretary. When she entered my office, I immediately told the secretary to spray alcohol. I know she's confused , but she immediately did.

When I entered my office, I was surprised to see Rosie and Jisoo.  They are not wearing face mask. My wife was sitting in front of them with her arms crossed, and was obviously very annoyed.

"You two . wear face masks." I ordered.

"why?" asked Rosie.

"Jennie is positive." I bluntly said. Their eyes widened and they immediately put on their masks and stood up. while Jennie , just rolled her eyes.

"what the fuck!!!! why did you come here. Are you both really want to infect us here, aren't you ?" jisoo scolded us.

"relax girls, there is no Covid positive here, my wife is just stupid." Jennie flatly said.

"The doctor said that you are positive." I defend myself . i can't believe my wife told me that i'm stupid in front of my friends . the two of them frowned.

"The doctor said I'm positive but she didn't say it was covid.." she said loudly.

"Oh my God, don't tell me!!!!!!" Rosie said in shock before Jennie hugged my wife. "Congratulations." she added.

Jisoo took of her mask and approached my wife while smiling and hug her ."wait, can you please explain to me!! I don't understand." I asked.

"You're really  stupid Lisa. But Congrats. And good luck,  because at any moment your wife will become a monster." Jisoo whispered and i know she is just teasing me .

"Congratulations, Lisa. Maybe you and your wife , need to talk.  so i'll just talk to you later ." rosie added before they left my office.

Positive, Positive, Positive. that's the word that comes to my mind again and again. I wonder what is the other meaning of positive. but I came back to my senses, when suddenly the rest of the strawberry inside the plastic landed on my face.

I screamed in pain. "stupid. I'm pregnant." Jennie shouted.

I was dumbfounded at what she said. I looked at her with a questioning look. Believe me, I want to scream and jump for joy, but I feel like my brain is blank and I don't know how I will react.

I approached her as if I still couldn't believe what she said. "it's true, I'm going to be a daddy. Not your daddy, but the daddy of our baby?" I asked tearfully.

She wiped my tears and kissed me on the lips. "yes, you are still my daddy. And also our baby's daddy." she replied.

I hugged her tight. It seems like just yesterday, we were just talking about having a child.  that I am still worried that I might not be able to get her pregnant. I did not expect this , i didn't expect to have this blessing immediately.

"I'm sorry if I yelled at you earlier, I'm sorry I threw a strawberry on your face and i'm so sorry if i told you that you're stupid.  It's your fault, why did you even think that I have covid?" she said before she released the hug.

I scratched the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"yeah, you're right. but to be honest, I really thought you had a covid. because covid is widespread now, so I thought that's what the doctor meant. Why did she even use the term "positive" to confirm your pregnancy? And why didn't you correct me right away. Or at least you just give me and let me read the result, that the doctor gave you." I explained.

"I'm sorry, that because i am so annoyed with you. first, you took my strawberry without asking permission if i want to give you. Then you told me that I have covid. you can't blame me because I'm pregnant, they say that pregnant women's emotions change quickly. This is the reason why , i don't understand my behavior lately ." she also explained.

I breathed deeply. " fine ." I surrender.

"and I just want to warn you. I hear a lot about pregnant women. Please be patient with me if I get cranky or something. Because they say pregnant women are difficult to live with. And lately I have noticed the same signs in me. my mood seems to change quickly.Please don't get tired of me.love! "

"Expect me not to get tired. I will help you, ok ? I know you will have a hard time. But I just want to let you know that I am here to help you . expect me to be more patient for you and our baby." I assured her. she burst into tears and hugged me tightly.

"Just mind me for being emotional. Maybe it's just because of my pregnancy hormones." she cried.I kissed her forehead before hugging her back to comfort her.

I know there will be a lot of adjustment. I'm just trying to get used to the New wife, who came back to me after she left three years ago. And now I have to get used to myself because that will change again, because of her pregnancy. and who am I to complain? I wanted to get her pregnant so I should be prepared for the worst that could happen.

I remember when we were still together before she left me. I was worried because she didn't complain or anything. And it's hard for me because i don't know how she really feel.And  the time  she came back . I noticed that she's saying everything,  that she want to say . And that's what I want , that I have an idea of ​​what's going on in her .

And now that she's pregnant I'm nervous. Since yesterday, I have noticed that she is always out of the mood. and she also becomes a sadist. yesterday she suddenly sucked my neck. then now she threw a plastic strawberry at my handsome face.

Oh my God. is this what jisoo means? That any moment my wife will become a monster? my thoughts.

Ok , just imagine that there will be a cute baby, when your wife gives birth. I encourage myself.

Through text ( Completed )  Lisa G!P Where stories live. Discover now