16) short talk

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Jennie's Pov

I got into the shotgun seat while crossing my arms and I didn’t look at her. I noticed that a few seconds had passed and the car is still not yet moving .I looked at her and I frowned, when I saw that she was just staring at me.

"what ???" I ask annoyingly, and I raised my eyebrow.

My whole body stiffened as she brought her face closer to mine. I close my eyes unconsciously, thinking that  she will kiss me. A second later I opened my eyes because I felt no lips touch on mine.

"I just want to fasten your seatbelt. Baby." She said while smirking. I feel like I want to dig a hole and hide myself in extreme embarrassment.

Deafening silence enveloped the car as she drove.

"can you tell me about you." she broke the silence.

"come on, lisa. we've been together for two years before. and now you're asking me like that.You may have forgotten that I became your wife." i answer sarcastically.

"I know. And I will never forget that you are my wife.I mean, I want to know about your family. I only know a little information about you. I remember I asked you before, but you refused to answer some of my personal questions." she said while focusing on driving. I looked out the window and I did not answer her. "What really motivated you to leave me.?" she added.

"i realized that you're mature enough for me. i know you love me.  I felt that, and i really appreciate it. but the way you express your love for me before, is not appropriate for my age." i said bluntly.

"I also realized that when we started texting  You, as Jane. You made me feel that I was a irresponsible  wife before." She said and she turn her gaze to me, and she immediately looked back at the road. "because of my busyness in preparing the best for our future. I forgot that I got married a woman, nine years younger than me. I forgot that you are a innocent young lady. " she said while giggling ,I couldn't help myself but chuckle. Somehow, she lighten the mood.

" I forgot that I should ask you out  on a date often. that we should  watch a movie in the cinema, go around the mall While our fingers are intertwined on each other and I should give you flowers."  I blushed as I listened to what he was saying.

I saw  regret as she spoke. "i hate Jane." i said out of nowhere. lisa was looking at the road but i saw how confuse she was. "I'm your wife but you didn't give me a flower before . But Jane, you just texted her, you don't even know her , and you gave her a flower right away." I respond in a playful way while pouting.

"I'm really sorry." she said seriously.

"but that's not really  the main  reason why I left." she looked at me but immediately turned her attention back to driving. "You were at a business conference then. When i found out my mother's death, so I hurried home to Busan.   I was worried about my sisters." I explained.

" Why did not you tell me ?." she ask.

"I lost my phone while I was going there and ......." I didn't finish what I was going to say because she cut me off.

"and you can't remember my number .right ?." she replied while smiling, I frowned.

" how did you know .?"

"as far as i know, My wife  hates memorizing numbers. You can't even memorize your own number."  I smiled, it's good that she  know.

"When I got there I was so busy, I was stressed thinking about how I could provide for their needs. I worked day and night , just so we could pay our  rent and so we could have something to eat. To the point that I forgot, I'm married. " i honestly said. "It's not that I totally forgot. It's like I just don't have time to think about how to let you know where I am." i added.

"Now that I understand, at least you have an acceptable reason." smiling she said.

I smiled as I looked at her. somehow, I was relieved that I had explained to her what had really happened.

"Maybe you're sleepy, go to sleep first. The trip is still a bit far, I'll just wake you up when we're there." she said to me.

"thank you, lisa." I told her . She looked at me and nodded. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

I woke up to feel a hand on my thigh. I immediately opened my eyes and was shocked by the closeness of Lisa's face to mine.

I held her hand as I felt it crawl inside my underwear. " What are you doing .?" I asked her.

She did not answer me , my body went numb as she suddenly claimed my lips.I tried to push her but my body gave up when she circled her fingers on my clit. damn !!! Why did i wear dress? it became easy for her to do this. I scolded myself.

my hand deliberately wrapped around her nape and I responded to her kiss.I felt her smile in the middle of our kiss and she removed my seatbelt and pulled me to sit on her lap.

she squeezed my waist and slowly she rubbed my body on her lap . I let out a low moan , as I felt my femininity rub against her cock from her pants.
our lips parted and we both gasped for lack of air.

She smiled at me as she caressed my cheek. She claimed my lips again.I felt her tongue force its way into my mouth, which I immediately accepted as she deepened the kiss. I  continued to rub my body on her lap.

I can't deny that I miss this feeling that she gives, and I want more. I lifted her shirt to take it off and she let me do that. I don’t care where we are anymore, our position here inside the car is difficult. But i badly want her right now.

I parted our lips, and I immediately took off my dress including my underwear. I saw the smirk on lisa's face as she also took off her pants along with her boxer shorts. I swallowed hard lump as her cock sprang out proudly.

"my little lisa really miss being inside you. Baby." she said teasingly as she guided her cock into my pussy. but before it could continue to go inside me, I opened my eyes because someone was shaking my shoulder.

"Are you ok" she asked worriedly.

I close my eyes in frustration. fuck. I cursed myself. did i just have a wet dreams with her. ?

I felt my underwear was wet. I took a deep breath and I smiled at her. " I'm Okay ."

"I woke you up because we're already here at the address you gave." her reply. I looked around and noticed that it was already dark and we were already in front of the house we were renting.

"I slept the whole trip?" I asked her, she smiled at me and nodded.

Through text ( Completed )  Lisa G!P Where stories live. Discover now