Chapter 7: The Quarantine In South Park

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In Stan's car, he was asleep again while the car was driving automatically until he woke up to hear the sound of horns honking. Stan sits up to witness the chaos that is happening around him.

"Alexa, what's going on?" Stan asked to Alexa.

"There's some kind of road closure ahead." Alexa answered.

Suddenly, the Military tanks and helicopters appear to block the townsfolk from leaving. Army troops exit the vehicles.

"Set up a perimeter! I want all exit points sealed." Sergeant said in demand.

Sergeant gets a loud speaker to talk to all of the people.

"People of South Park, there is an outbreak of COVID in your community. You are being quarantined." Sergeant said.

Stan gets out of the car to speak up.

"Hey, dude! I don't live here. I need to get home!" Stan shouted.

"Nobody is going in or out. We have confirmation that one person in this community has never been vaccinated against COVID, so we must quarantine everyone." Sergeant said in demand.

"One person?! Well, who is it?!" The first man asked.

"We are not allowed to say." Sergeant answered.

"But if you tell us who the unvaccinated person is, we can have them vaccinated and then this will all be over!" The second man shouted.

"We can't tell you who it is because, in case you forgot, it's the future, and we don't single out or ridicule anyone for their personal beliefs." Sergeant said in demand.

"Gah! I hate the future!" The third man shouted.

Cartman, Yentl, and their children are in their car to see the chaos.

"God, what does this mean?" Yentl asked.

"Yeah, what's it mean, Daddy?" Moisha asked to Cartman.

"I think it means... we're all stuck in South Park." Cartman said.

At the parking lot of Best Buy Plus, people in hazmat suits are setting up a COVID-19 testing site. The Nurse was removing a swab from a man's nose for the testing.

"Okay, there you go. We'll get back with the results. Maintain six feet social distance and stay indoors. Thank you. Next please!" The Nurse shouted after explaining.

Stan enters in and approach to the Nurse.

"Yeah, listen, I have to get out of here." Stan said.

"Yes, don't we all." The Nurse said.

"No, no, no, I don't belong here and I don't have anywhere to stay. They've shut down all the motels." Stan explained.

"Well, do you have any friends or family that you can stay with?" The Nurse asked.

Stan sits down on a chair for his turn for the testing.

"No, these people are not my friends and I have no family here. Oka--" Stan said.

The Nurse interrupted him by inserting a swab to Stan's nostril that made him groan.

"It's okay. They've set up an emergency shelter for all the people that are here from out of town." The Nurse asked.

"Where?" Stan asked.

At the South Park Elementary School Plus, there was an emergency shelter that had been set up inside and there were a lot of people. Stan enters the gymnasium as he was carrying a backpack and gym bag. He approached a cot and set his luggage down to the floor. The poeple were getting ready for bed until the PC Principal makes an announcement.

"Alright, listen up." PC Principal said.

"No way." Stan said.

"Welcome to South Park Elementary. We want to help you all be as comfortable as possible. So we will have quiet time from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. every day. I don't want to hear any fucking gender-specific language in here. And if anybody here casts a movie with someone other than the culture than the movie is about, you are fucking out of here! All right, thank you. It is now 9:01. Lights out." PC Principal explained.

PC Principal exits the gymnasium and switches the light off. Back at Kyle's bathroom of his house, Kyle was sitting on the toilet as he was praying.

"It's been a long time since I've prayed. I don't know if anyone can hear me... but we all really need help right now. I know in my heart that Kenny didn't just die of some new COVID variant. I know there's something way bigger going on. But it all seems like so much to take on. Please, if there's anyone who could help see me through this, it would be a miracle." Kyle explained as he prays.

Kyle gets up and looks in the toilet expectantly, an inanimate piece of fecal matter is floating inside. The doorbell rings.

♪ Someone's at the door ♪

♪ This is the doorbell ♪

♪ Apparently in the future ♪

♪ All doorbells sing, sing, sing. ♪

"Yeah, I fucking know, God damn it!" Kyle shouted.

Kyle walks all the way to the living room to answer the door to see Cartman and his family.

"Hey, Kyle. Oh, man, this is crazy, huh? The school is all filled up and the motels are shut down. I was, I was hoping maybe we could crash here." Cartman explained.

"Look, I, uh, I don't think that's gonna work." Kyle said.

"I figured Stan and Mariah are probably staying with you, too?" Cartman asked.

"No. No, they're not." Kyle answered.

"Oh, great! Then you'll have some extra rooms. We're gonna be okay, kids!" Yentl shouted in happily.

"Yay!" Menorah and Moisha shouted happily.

"No, no, Cartman, I'm sure there are some other places you can stay." Kyle said.

"My family would be really comfortable in a nice Jewish home. Please, Kyle, for my kids." Cartman said.

"We promise we'll be good, Uncle Kyle." Menorah said.

"Please, Uncle Kyle?" Moisha asked.

"Please, Uncle Kyle?" Hackelm asked.

"I can't believe this." Kyle said.

"Come on, kids!" Yentl shouted to the kids, happily.

Cartman's family enters the house.

"Oh, bless you, Kyle. Don't worry, I'll put them right to bed. You won't even know we're here." Yentl said.

"Toda raba, Uncle Kyle. That's Hebrew for thank you." Moisha said.

Moisha hugs Kyle's leg.

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