☾☼ The night of the Comet ☾☼

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Authors note: this chapter will be small because I didn't really see either twin fitting into this episode very much. Enjoy guys ❤️

Season 1 - Episode 2

Season 1 - Episode 2

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Keatyn's POV

  I wake up to Elizabeth Forbes yelling. "Girls! And uh Jeremy, wake up! You guys are going to be late to school!" I groan and bury my head into my pillow. We were up all night discussing vampires, vervain and protection while Kay  texted everything to Trish. Which reminds me, I need to find a nice spell that will fuck with the other Bennett's  for what they did to Trish.

  I start squirming and try to get out of bed but I have Jeremy's arm around my waist, Kay's leg thrown over me, and Care is sleeping sideways on Kay and I. "If y'all don't move I'm going to pee the bed!" Everyone shoots up quickly and moves out of my way, while grumbling profanities. I slip out of bed and head to the shower. I quickly shower and dry my curls. Then pad off to my closet as my sister jumps in the shower.

  I pick out a black lacey tank top with a cardigan to put over it. Then pull out some ripped black jeans and my black Doc Martens. I apply a tiny bit of makeup and grab some jewelry. Then pick up my bag and purse just as Kay walks in. "You look cute." I smile at her. "Thanks sis. I'm going to take Jer home and let him change before school. I'll meet you there okay?" She nods her head and goes back to looking for an outfit.

(Her outfit)

  I walk out of the bathroom to find my adorable boyfriend waiting for me

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  I walk out of the bathroom to find my adorable boyfriend waiting for me. "Hey sleepy head. You ready to go back home?" He smiles and gets off the bed. "I guess. Aunt Jen will be happy to see you again. I mean she absolutely adores you." My heart warms at that. "I love aunt Jen too. She's such a sweet person!" I say while getting into my Jeep. The drive to his house is quiet and quick. I pull in front of his house and notice Bonnie's car there. "Uh do I have to come in?" I ask. He looks to where I am looking and sighs. "Yes. I already told aunt Jen that you would be over." I dramatically sigh and get out of the car with him. He opens the front door and yells "I'm home aunt Jen!"

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