☾☼ Family Ties ☾☼

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
This chapter contains drug** use, blood, gore, torture and death.

** I would like to add I don't consider cannabis a 'drug' but I know others do so that's what the drug trigger warning is for.  **

- During the beginning of this chapter I will be writing in all italics. So when I underline them that means it's her thoughts. That is only for the beginning of this chapter though! -

Season 1 - Episode 4

Season 1 - Episode 4

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Keatyn's POV


  My eyes open when I feel an uncomfortable feeling on my body. Flames. All I see is flames. Bright orange and red mixes with the deep blue of hellfire all around me. I can feel the heat wrapping around my skin but not actually burning it. I look around me and find a small pathway that has fire on each side of it. I slowly follow the path, while periodically checking my surroundings. I hear the flutter of wings behind me but when I turn around, I don't see anything. I feel a deep pit in my stomach forming. I know this place from somewhere. 

   The flames get higher as I go deeper down the pathway. I start to hear whispers and shrieking, making me tense.  Every little noise has me on edge and damn it I know this part of hell. That's when I feel a searing hot hand grab my arm, pulling me into the flames. I let out a shrill scream at the sudden pain. Then look to my left arm and see a hand that's literally engulfed in flames, holding onto my arm. My eyes trail up to see long, pitch black hair and icy blue eyes piercing into my soul. A sinister smile sits upon her?  face. I start shrieking as my skin bubbles underneath the hand covered in flames. I try to run but I'm being drug further into the flames and I feel my skin melting off of me. My screams become so ferocious that my throat stops producing sounds and nothing but strangled whimpers leave my lips.

  I hear an evil laugh sounding out as my eyes start to close. "I will kill you Airlia! And Asteria too!" My whole body goes up in flames and I lose consciousness.

  I sit up breathing heavily and clinging onto the body next to me. A bright light clicks on to my left and I see Damon staring at me. I feel Jeremy cuddle into my other side. "Sweetheart, are you okay?" Damon asks while pushing my hair back. I nod yes but my eyes betray me. They fill up and soon spill over. Damon wraps his arms around me and I start sobbing into his chest. My breathing finally settles and I slowly fall asleep while Damon plays with my hair.

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