☾☼ 162 Candles - Birthday Bitch ☾☼

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Season 1 - Episode 8

Season 1 - Episode 8

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Keatyn's POV

   My eyes flutter open when I feel the bed move. "Kay?" I rub my face and sit up to see my sister walking to our bathroom. She turns around with a soft smile on her face. "Hey Keats. I'm going to take a shower and finish packing for our trip." I nod my head at her and fling myself back into our bed. I close my eyes again and snuggle into the blankets. As soon as I get comfy and start falling back asleep though, someone bursts into the room. I jump up and accidentally shoot the water from my bedside table at the intruder. "Keatyn! My hair took forever and now it's messed up!" I stifle a laugh while looking up at the intruder. Care stands beside the door in a cute light blue dress that unfortunately is now soaked and see through. Her usual bouncy, curled-to-perfection blonde hair is now dripping wet and hanging limply on her shoulders. The only plus side is her makeup doesn't look like it even moved. "Oh you think this is funny?" She yells with her hands on her hips. I shake my head no but a laugh escapes. "I am going to smother you!"

   I jump up with a squeal and run around the bed with Care following me. I slide with my socks through the door and race downstairs. "Mom! Help! She's going to murder me!" I squeal as I slide into her bathroom. She's fully clothed and putting a couple items into her suitcase. She looks at me and shakes her head. "No way, I'm off duty. If she wants to kill you, I can't do anything." My mouth drops open and Care grabs me from behind. "Mom after this you will only have three daughters. So does that mean I can take Keatyn's bed at the hotel?" Mom smiles and pushes us out of her bathroom. "Get out of here and finish packing. We leave in a hour and I know that you haven't even started packing yet Keats."

   I send her a sheepish smile and grab Caroline's hand. "Let's go sissy. I need to pack and shower." We skip to the stairs but stop at our mothers voice. "And no more magic! I've been electrocuted and teleported one too many times!" I furrow my brows and stomp up the stairs. "One time! One time that I teleported you while you were in your pajamas and I'll never live it down!" I shout as Care snickers behind me. I turn my eyes to her and smirk. "That's really too bad because I was going to use magic to fix your hair." I turn and continue my way up the steps with Caroline complaining behind me. I let out a bubbly laugh and open my door.

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