☾☼ Children Of The Damned - Under Control ☾☼

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⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️
This chapter contains blood, gore, and death.

Season 1 - Episode 13
Season 1 - Episode 14
Season 1 - Episode 15
Season 1 - Episode 16
Season 1 - Episode 17
Season 1 - Episode 18

*Again, I'm skipping most of the first season because it really doesn't pertain to the girls*

*Again, I'm skipping most of the first season because it really doesn't pertain to the girls*

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Keatyn's POV


   Mom dismisses her officers quickly and ushers us into the house. I sit in between dad and mom while Kay takes a seat in between Beatrice and Caroline. Damon, Stefan, and Elijah sit on the other couch. Henrik, Mr. Saltzman, and Lexi sit on the floor around the others. Everyone quiets down and looks at me to begin explaining. I let out a breath and turn to pabbi hoping he would help. He nods to me then stands up. "My dear dóttur has had quite a rough few days so I think I will be better at explaining things. First off, let's make sure all the magic is off of you all." (Daughter)

He waves his hands and absorbs the small amount of magic still left. His eyes meet mine then his voice booms in my head. Dóttur, there was more magic in the Salvatore's than the others but it was very old magic... and Kaelyn had no magic affecting her. (Daughter) Meaning that they all really were under a spell of sorts minus my actual twin? Dad closes the connection with a tight smile then turns to the others. "You each had a spell put on you that, in lack of better terms, makes you forget Keatyn. It made her invisible in social situations and pushed you all away from her. And in turn, made my little djöfull very depressed." (Devil) He turns to me with tears shining in his eyes but quickly rubs them away.

   He composes himself before continuing. "Things... happened and she ended up with me." He eyes mamma and they stare at each other for a minute. What is going on? Mom turns to me with glassy eyes and my stomach drops. He told her! "Why?! That was supposed to be between us!" I yell at him. He winces and tries to hug me. "No!" My voice booms, making the others grab their ears. I quiet my voice down before speaking again. "I just- I need to talk to Trish alone." Kay narrows her eyes at me and goes to protest. So I teleport Trish and I to her house. We have at least ten mintues until Kay finds us. She wobbles so I grab her hand and lead her to the couch. "We shouldn't be here Keats. What if my family comes back?" Her eyes dart back and forth, waiting for her family to pop out.

   I grab her hand and send calming magic towards her. She smiles but is still tense. I look down at our hands as tears threaten to fall. "I want to start by saying I'm incredibly sorry and I can understand if you don't want to be friends anymore." Trish looks at me and shakes her head. "Whatever it is we can get through it Keats, together." I sigh and rub my face "I sure hope so." Trish squeezes my hand, urging me to continue. "So uh as you know I had a curse put on me.. that led to me harming myself again and before you yell at me, I know. I know I should have called and said something but you were under the spell as well. So you weren't talking to me..." I let out a sigh. "I was so angry when I found out who put a spell on me, that I confronted them. Things got out of hand and I killed one of them... I killed Shelia." Trish tenses beside me but a smile creeps on her face. "She's gone? She's really dead?!"

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