☾☼ Friday Night Bites ☾☼

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
This chapter will contain violence, blood, gore, and death.

Season 1 - Episode 3

Season 1 - Episode 3

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Jeremy's POV

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and see a text from Keats. "Hey Keatyn says that's she's having a movie night with the girls. So we have plenty of time." I look up at Damon and he has a evil grin on his face. That's attractive. We pull up to the Salvatore house and I see my sister basically sticking her tongue down Stefan's throat. "That's sick dude." I say and Damon agrees, his face scrunching up in disgust.

We get out of the car and Damon picks up the large black duffel bag from the trunk. Elena and Stefan break apart to see what all the noise is. She doesn't even look sorry, at least Stefan has the decency to look ashamed. I quirk an eyebrow at my sister but she doesn't see. She's too busy staring at Damon with a smirk on her face. "Hello brother." Damon says while walking right past the couple.

Stefan looks angry and Elena looks sad. I brush past them but Elena grabs my arm. "Jer what are you doing?" I yank my arm back, making her stumble. "Don't touch me and don't call me that. I'm hanging out with Damon and I already talked to aunt Jenna about it so don't try to mother me." I stomp away from them and go through the front door. Damon is sitting in the living room with a glass of alcohol.

He looks up and offers me a drink, I shake my head no and sit beside him on the couch. He pulls out the black bag and I grab my things out. He then takes his stuff out. Not even two minutes later Stefan walks in with a frown. I don't waste any time and I level my crossbow, quickly pulling the trigger and hitting Stefan in the shoulder. He screams and falls to his knees. Damon smirks at me "that was a good shot Jer." Stefan looks up to Damon with a face of betrayal.

Damon puts on his gloves and takes out a stake that's been soaked in vervain. He smiles devilishly at Stefan and throws the stake into his abdomen. He zooms over to Stefan and grabs his chin. "You made a big mistake brother, hurting my soulmate Keatyn. She deserves so much more than you. I mean thank gods she has us" he says while pointing to him and I. Stefan is panting heavily but doesn't say anything. "Maybe I should go hurt Elena instead, since you picked her over your own soulmate. I mean Jer doesn't care about her so" Stefan shows his vampire face and hisses at Damon.

(Stefan rn 😂)

(Stefan rn 😂)

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