☾☼ 162 Candles - Birthday Bitch Part 2 ☾☼

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Authors note: I want to reiterate that I only speak English, well and Latin but you can't really speak that. Anyways, if any of my translations are wrong please let me know. This particular chapter will have French in it and maybe some Latin.

⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
This chapter mentions drug use, and self harm.

Season 1 - Episode 8

Season 1 - Episode 8

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Kaelyn's POV

   After a nice dinner, we all decide to take a walk around The French Quarter. It's a bit cool so I rub my arms to warm up. I feel someone wrap their arm around me and see Lexi smiling down at me while rubbing my arm. My cheeks turn red and butterflies erupt in my stomach. I can't believe she's my soulmate. I sigh and lean into her as we walk. I peek my head around to see where Care is at and see her walking with Keats. We make eye contact but she glares at me before pushing past my twin. I watch her go into a random shop with Keatyn trailing behind her. You need to talk to her before you loose her sis. I roll my eyes at my sisters comment but I know she's right. I look up to Lexi and smile. "Hey, I need to speak to you really quick."

  Lexi smiles and nods to a small bench beside the shop the others went into. I sit down and she puts her arm around my shoulders. "So um, I know Keats told you that we are-" I look around and lower my voice "supernatural. But did she tell you about our soulmate situation?" Lexi shakes her head and I sigh again. "Uh well we both have a big number of soulmates. Keats has more than I do but uh I have seven and I've already met one other, minus you.." I trail off waiting for her to freak out.

    She just smiles and shakes her head. "That's okay Kaelyn. It doesn't bother me but I do think your other mate, Caroline, is a bit jealous." I stiffen at her words and look at her. "I uh, I don't know if Care is my soulmate. She's not supernatural so.." She lets out a laugh and shakes her head. "Do you not feel a pull? I mean I could smell your scent all over her amoureuse." (Sweetheart) I blush a deep red but shake my head. "I'm not sure. We already had such a strong connection that I couldn't decipher it. Plus she's human so we won't know for sure unless she turns into something supernatural."

  Lexi gently strokes my cheek and kisses my forehead. "Go talk to her and tell her what you think. If you don't, I'm afraid you will loose her as a friend and a soulmate." I nod my head and place a kiss on her cheek. "Thank you for you know not freaking out and being so understanding." She waves me off as I stand to find Care. I can't believe it's actually working. I mean Lexi bought it. Soon I'll be able to over-power Keatyn and rule in her stead.

     Keatyn walks out of the shop and glares at me. "Are you actually going to confess or are you going to hurt her more?" My anger flickers but I just look down to my feet, as if I'm feeling guilty. She sighs and pulls me into a hug. "I'm not trying to be mean but you need to do something Gracie. She's hurting so bad and you're not helping" she says in a soft motherly tone that she's always used for me."I know. Thanks, I'll let you know what happens." I push past her and enter a small clothing store.

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