After everything that has happened, the Arpias were arrested and the Soledads were rescued.
Mario shouted.
Topaz shouted at his brother when she saw him.
" Miss Topaz!"
Aldo, Marissa and Gloria shouted.
"Are you guys okay?"
Topaz asked the three children.
On the other hand, Valerie is talking to Cyril and Patrick.
Patrick's arm is wrapped around Cyril's shoulder.
"Again, I want to apologize again on behalf of what my parents did. I didn't know that they were capable of killing people, just so they can get what they want."
"Valerie, don't blame yourself. You're a victim here too."
Patrick said to Valerie.
"I just can't believe that even my mom would actually point a gun towards her own daughter. My goodness. After so many years of being abused and manipulated, I can now say that I'm finally free from them."
Valerie glances at Cyril.
"I wanna thank you, Cyril. Not only did you save my life, but you also liberated me from my toxic parents."
"It's nothing. The important thing is that you're safe now. All of us are."
Cyril said to Valerie.
"I promise, I'll pay for all the damages that they've caused. I will also handle their gym, resort and spa from now on. I believe the workers deserve better treatment."
"I'm sure you'll do great as their new boss."
Said Patrick.
"Hopefully I am. So... I think I should go ahead, I still need to talk to the police. I guess I'll leave the two of you alone."
"Alright Valerie. Thank you."
Said Patrick.
"Thank you!"
Cyril said.
Valerie leaves the both of them.
Patrick remembered something.
"Oh right."
Patrick takes Cyril's shoe out of his blazer.
"I think this is yours."
Cyril's eyes widened.
"You had it all this time?"
"Of course. I can't lose something so amazing."
Cyril looks at Patrick like he was playing bluffing again.
"... The shoe?"
"More like... The owner of the shoe."
Patrick kneels.
"May I?" He asks as he offers to put on the shoe to him.
Cyril nodded yes.
Patrick puts the shoe on Cyril's foot.
It fits perfectly.
Patrick gets up.
"No more secrets?"
Patrick asked Cyril.
"No more."
Cyril replied while smiling.
The two of them were about to kiss when Esther and Erwin suddenly came.
Esther calls Patrick.
"Mom. Dad. Are you guys okay now? No serious injuries?"
"Nope. Thank God." Esther answers her son.
"Actually... Son, we wanted to talk to you. The both of you, actually."
Erwin told Patrick and Cyril.
"Look, mom, dad, if you don't accept me and Cyril, I don't care." Patrick hold Cyril's hand tightly.
"I love him. And that won't change anymore. And if you still can't accept that, then I'm fine with you guys disowning me."
He slapped Patrick's arm.
Patrick asked her.
"Actually, son. We're actually here to apologize to you."
Said Esther.
"You and Valerie were right. We didn't listen to you guys. We forced you into this marriage, and only thought about ourselves. We didn't even think about you guys."
Erwin explained.
"Little did we know that the arranged marriage was actually gonna risk our lives. We should've known better. We should've trusted the two of you in making your own choices."
Esther added what her husband had said.
"So now, we want you to live the rest of your life with happiness. If Cyril is the one who makes you happy, then we're just gonna have to accept it."
Erwin said.
"So... Does this mean that you guys are giving us our blessing?"
Patrick asked his parents.
"It looks like that already."
Esther replied cheerfully to Patrick.
Patrick felt emotional and went to hug his parents.
"Thank you so much."
After hugging their son, Esther and Erwin approach Cyril.
"Also, Cyril... Erwin and I are very grateful to you. Thank you so much for saving our lives."
Esther said to Cyril.
"Of course. I don't want Patrick to lose you guys."
Cyril replied to Esther.
"And hopefully... You will no longer disappear in Patrick's life. My son is too handsome for you to just leave him!"
Said Erwin.
Patrick shouted at his father.
They all just laugh.
Elijah suddenly interjects.
"Um .. hello... I hate to break the sweet moment but there's still a lot to fix here. I was just hoping if we can all help each other out?"
"Of course sweetie!"
Said Esther.
Erwin said.
Cyril and Patrick follow them.

Cyril (English Version)
RomanceA waiter and a rich kid decided to create a bargain, which would later develop into an unusual connection.