Chapter 1

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"That's not who you are, that's just how you feel...and this is how I feel."

On one very fateful night, Gumball Watterson and Penny Fitzgerald finally admitted their true feelings for each other and finally began their relationship.

And now, here they were one year later on the night of their 1st anniversary. Gumball had planned something very special for this momentous occasion and was currently leading Penny to it.

"Are we nearly there yet?" Penny asked, her eyes being covered by Gumball's paws.

"Almost, just a little bit further." He replied, guiding her carefully.

"This better not be something elaborate like a firework display or a giant balloon or something like that."

"No, no, don't worry, I agreed I wouldn't do any more elaborate stuff, remember?"

"Well, yeah..."

"and have I broken that promise yet?"

", surprisingly you haven't"

"Surprisingly!?" He pretended to be offended, causing her to giggle.

"Well, this is you we're talking about!" She said through her laughter.

"Eh, fair point, but still, I stuck to my word didn't I?"

"You did, you did."

"See, so you have nothing to worry about."

"Hmmm, I suppose so..."

"Right we're here. Don't open your eyes just yet though!"


She waited as she heard a match being lit.

"Just a mome- OW! God, freaking, stupid, damn-"

"Gumball, what happened, are you okay!?" She asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I just...burnt my darn finger on the match." He replied sheepishly as sucked on it.

She giggled again.

"Hey, don't laugh, it hurt!"

"Sorry, sorry, I can't help it." She replied through her laughter.

She heard the sound of a candle being lit.

"Right, now you can open your eyes!"

She slowly opened her eyes and gasp at what she saw.

Gumball was sitting on a picnic blanket, a basket in front of him, with a candle in the middle lighting the area which was the cliffside they'd first kissed at, on the night she'd broken out of her shell. In front of them was a beautiful view of the stars, illuminated by the moonlight, which also illuminated the rest of the cliffside.

"Oh my god Gumball this is...this is..." She struggled to finish her sentence out of pure shock and awe.

He panicked slightly thinking she was reacting negatively. "Is it too much!? It's too much isn't it!?"

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