Chapter 8

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School Bus, 1 Year Ago

It was the morning after Penny had come out of her shell and she was sitting on the bus to school, sitting at the very back. A few people had given her some weird stares and others were talking about her, making her feel even more uneasy than she already was. She had to fight the urge to turn into a mouse and hide.

She started to shake as she looked around and saw people staring at her, talking about her. She heard some people laughing. Were they laughing at her?

The bus stopped and she immediately felt a small wave of relief and comfort wash over her as she saw Gumball, Darwin and Anais step on. Finally, people she knew wouldn't be judging her, who had already accepted her.

Gumball immediately saw her and ran over.

"Hey Pe-uh, new girl!" He stopped himself from saying her name as he knew she wasn't ready for people to know who she was yet.

She managed a weak smile as he sat down.

As he did he saw that she wasn't glowing at all and she had her wings wrapped around her torso. She also seemed to be smaller than she was yesterday and she was shaking heavily in her seat.

"Penny? Are you alright?" He asked softly, placing his paw on her hand.

"I...n-not really, no...I...I-I-I'm not sure I can do this...I don't know if I can go t-through with it..." She held back tears.

He squeezed her hand and smiled. "Of course you can. I know that you must be terrified, but you're strong and brave and I know you can get through this and I promise, I'll be right here with you, the whole day. I'm not going anywhere. You aren't going to face this alone. We're going to get through this, together."

"Together?" She sniffled and smiled weakly.


She grew slightly brighter hearing this.

She looked up, tears beginning to fall down her face. "But what...w-w-what if...what if they all hate the new me? What if they...what if they want nothing to do with me anymore!? What if I've lost all my friends!?"

He placed his paws on her shoulders. "That won't happen. If I know my friends, I know they'll accept the new you with open arms. They'll realise you're exactly the same Penny they already know, just even better."

"a-a-and if they don't?"

He thought for a moment. "If they don't, they were never truly your friend in the first place."

She paused for a moment as her smile slowly grew, her glow getting even brighter again, as well as herself growing back to normal size.

"I know you'll get through this. We just have to take it slowly and carefully." He wiped her tears.


He thought for a moment. "How about you tell some of the friends you trust most first, start small, then slowly let everyone else know once you feel more comfortable."

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