Chapter 6

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Gumball's house, 1 year ago


"Are you kids okay?" He asked as Penny hugged him.

"We're fine!"

"Thank you so much, Gumball. You saved my little girl's life. I can't believe I took you and your family for such a bunch of..."

Richard came outside angrily in his underwear.


Nicole ran over furious. "WHAT!?"

"I-It's not what it looks like!"

She walked over as Darwin and Anais came outside to look at what had happened.

"I don't want you, near my family, ever again!"

"Please. Here, let me just pay you."

He took out some money but she just slapped it away.

"I don't want your money! You come around here..."

Richard, Nicole, Darwin and Anais all began arguing with Patrick.

Gumball and Penny just turned around and shrugged.

"So, now that Tobias is gone, you wanna go round back and finally start this damn project?"

She smiled. "Sure!"

They went round the back of the house ignoring their arguing parents.

Gumball sat down and got out his books and paper.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Thank you so much for what you did back there. You saved my life!"

"What?" He blushed. "Oh, err, i-i-it was nothing, really..." He rubbed his arm.

"Nothing!? You jumped in front of a car to save my life! It was so brave of you to risk your own life saving me like that. I doubt anyone else would have done something as dangerous as that for me."

"Well, I uh-"

"Oh, come here!" She giggled.

She kissed him on the cheek, causing him to blush even deeper before she sat down too.

"I...uh...t-thanks, haha." He gave her a goofy looking smile, making her laugh.

"So, uh...where do you want to start? The fall of the Roman Empire? The great famine? Ooh, no, the black plague!" He asked enthusiastically.

"Wow, you know a lot about the medieval ages don't you?" She smiled

"Well, I kinda..." He mumbled.

"What? I didn't catch that."

"I...uh..." He hesitated.

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