Chapter 2

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Elmore Mall, 8 Years Ago

A five-year-old Gumball and his mother left the clothes store, Gumball holding her hand as they walked, after having spent the last hour in there buying him some new clothes since his dungarees were starting to get too small.

They were walking by the fountain when Nicole's phone began to ring.

She took it out and checked.

"Oh, it's Mr Yoshida, this is probably important. Honey, could you stay here a moment while I take this call? Don't wander off anywhere, just stay in this area. I'll only be a few minutes...I hope."


She crouched down. "I want you to promise."

"I promise, I'll stay right here."

"Alright, I'm trusting you, young man, don't let me down."

"I won't, I swear!"

"Thank you. I won't be long, I promise."

She answered the call. "Mr Yoshida, sorry for keeping you waiting, I was just talking to my son, what can I help you with?"

She continued talking as she walked outside to take the call.

Gumball looked, around waiting, watching people walk by and talk, trying to find something interesting.

When he couldn't find anything he decided to watch the fountain, which is when he noticed something shiny at the bottom of it.

"Huh, what's that?"

He looked closer, leaning over the edge and saw it was a penny.

"Ooh, sweet, a penny!"

He stretched out his arm to try and reach it but he couldn't reach far enough.

"Come on, just a little further!"

He leaned even further forwards and was just about to grab it when he fell forwards into the fountain head first.


He tried to get out but couldn't lift himself up


Nearby a peanut girl was in the play area and heard his screams. She looked over confused, then got up and ran over only to see a pair of legs sticking out from the fountain, waving about crazily and yelling for help.

She covered her mouth and giggled then ran over and pulled him out.

He fell to the floor and spat out a bunch of water, breathing heavily.

"Gah...huh...whew...thank you...thank you so mu-"

He looked up to see the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen looking at him confused. He froze, mouth slowly falling open, unsure what to say.

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