Chapter 9

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"It was a long and terrifying day, but you got through it in the end. I know how difficult it was for you, how much you wanted to change your mind, and go back into your shell, but you stuck it through to the end, and I'm so, so proud of you." Gumball said wiping her tears and kissing her.

"I never could have done it without you. You were so kind and reassuring. You went out of your way for me that day, ignored your own discomfort just to ease mine and I appreciate it more than you'll ever know."

He smiled and squeezed her hand. "You're very, very welcome."

They sat there for a while, watching the stars.

Gumball began to smile as he remembered something else "Hey remember how mad Tobias was the following day once he found out who you were going out with me?"

She laughed, remembering. "He vowed he'd win me over one day."

"The day that happens is the day Ms Simian will finally retire."

"I mean, who knows, maybe she will one day..."

"Pfft, yeah right! She'll be there til the day she dies."

"Y'know, I'm surprised she hasn't turned to dust in her old age!"

They both burst out laughing.

"You gotta admire Tobias' determination though. Even though you're with me he's still trying everything he can to win you over."

"Yeah, I guess it is kinda sweet."

"Who knows, maybe one day it'll actually work!" Gumball joked.

She looked at him as they both began to grin, before breaking into laughter at his ludicrous suggestion.

"Hahaha, as if!" She managed to say through his laughter.

They regained their composure and she smiled.

"Nah, of course it won't. I have eyes for one guy and one guy only."

"Oh? Would I happen to know him?"

"Oh, I think you do. He's a smart, handsome, sweet, adorable goof who convinced me to come out of my shell and truly be myself."

Gumball smiled. "Sounds like a wonderful guy."

"Oh, he's the best. I can't believe I'm lucky enough to call him my boyfriend."

"and I can't believe I get to spend my night here with someone as beautiful and amazing as you." He replied placing his paw on her cheek.

Penny would giggle. "Come here you!"

She pulled him in for a long kiss.

Afterwards, they smiled at each other.

"Oh, by the way, did I mention he's a great kisser."

Gumball laughed. "Oh, I bet he is!"

They laid back down again laughing.

Gumball sighed. "What a night tonight has been, hey?"

Penny smiled. "I never want it to end. I wish we could just stay here together for the rest of time..."

"Me too, me too. Tonight has been perfect!"

He thought for a moment. "Ooh, hey, I have an idea!" Gumball said sitting back up.

"What's that?"

He got up and went to the basket, getting out two sodas.

He threw one over to Penny "Let's have a toast!"

"A toast? To what?"

"To us. To the future."

She smiled. "That's a lovely idea."

He walked back over and they both opened their sodas.

"To us!" They both declared, clinking their beverages together and drinking.

Penny checked her phone. "Is that the time already!? We've been out here for hours!"

"Have we? I guess time really does fly by when you're having a good time!" He shrugged.

"It really does..."

She got up. "Well, as much as I'd like to stay here, we should probably start heading back. Don't wanna get back home too late."

"Actually, there's one more thing I want to do before we go..."

"Oh? What's that?"

He got up and walked over to a bush, reached in and pulled out a guitar he'd hidden inside of it.

Penny saw it and gasped.

"Oh my god...I didn't know you could play the guitar!"

"I've...been practising. There's a very special song I want to play for you..."

"Ooh!" She smiled, excited and sat back down on the blanket as Gumball began to play.

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