Chapter 4

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Elmore Junior High Playground, 1 Year Ago

"Ladies and gentlemen, the karate wiener!" Banana Joe declared.

Gumball opened his eyes realising something.

"Hang on, wiener doesn't mean winner, it means sausage!"

He started to sob.

Nicole arrived on the other side of the fence.

"Oh no, I'm too late..."

Suddenly Penny ran up looking at Gumball, with a look of upset and worry.

"Hey, leave him alone! If he wants to wear karate clothes, let him! At least he's brave enough to be himself!"

Nicole gasped happily seeing what happing.

Gumball slowly got back up smiling.

"Besides, I think he looks cute, kinda like a... a..."

"Shark-bear-igator?" Darwin helpfully suggested.

"Yeah, something like that."

"I told you girls would dig it!" Gumball whispered to Darwin before turning to Penny.

"Thanks for sticking up for me, Penny!"

"My pleasure, Gumball-san!"

They pretended to fight each before laughing together.

"Awwww, my little karate weiner's in love..."

Nicole thought to herself for a moment before smiling and driving away, leaving them to it.

Gumball brushed off his Gi before sitting down on a bench with Penny, whilst Darwin put the wood away.

"So, are you alright now?"

"Yeah, I think so. Though my paw hurts pretty badly..." He admitted.

"Hmm...let me see."

Gumball held out his paw to her, and she took it, holding it in her hand.

She turned it around and saw it had a few pretty bad cuts and a splinter from the wood stuck in it.

"Ooh, ouch, that looks pretty painful. Give me a second!"

Gumball nodded as she took out a wipe, bandage and pair of tweezers from her bag.

"Right, this is gonna sting pretty badly."

"It's alright, I can handle it." He said confidently, trying to act cool.

"Okay, here goes..."

She carefully removed the splinter with the tweezers, making him flinch and gasp in pain and then wiped the blood from the cuts, which caused him to further wince and gasp before she wrapped the bandage around it and then kissed it, resulting in him blushing deeply.

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