Chapter 10

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Jonathan pulled the car quickly up the driveway of the Byers' house. They all quickly hopped out of their seats and moving to the trunk where they gathered all of their weapons and supplies.

Olivia grabbed her bag full of the three lighters, a pocket knife and two gasoline cans before sauntering torwards the door, the other two following behind her. She swung the front door open before holding it for the two, then walked in after them.

They got to the center of the living room, ackowledging the open space on the ground. Olivia shrugged at her friends before the three of them all threw their stuff down on the floor of the room.

Olivia trailed her eyes around the room, noticing the christmas lights were no longer in tact, unlike before. She stared down at the huge, spilled pile of the small light bulbs on the table, sighing as an idea came to mind. She looked over at Nancy and Jonathan.

"Are we really gonna have to put all of those back up?" She muttered annoyed as she stared up at the light strands.

Nancy let out a sigh. "If we want this to work." With that, the trio began connecting each and every christmas light bulb onto the 'million' strands. Olivia felt her arms burning as they stood straight in the air for such long time as she continued to screw the light bulbs back in. She sighed every once in a while, even thought it was nothing compared to what she has already been through or is going to go through.

Once they had finished, Jonathan moved to the hallway, hammering large nails into the floor, bear traps chained to the nails. Nancy loaded the gun with bullets, while Olivia grabbed the bat that Nancy had brought before and held it down tightly against the table while hammering nails into the wood.

When finished with her task, Nancy poured a line of gasoline down the hallway and into Will's room. Nancy, Jonathan and Liv all helped each other put together the trap. They were all careful as they enabled the trap, fearful of it possibly snapping down on their ankles.

Once the plan had been completed, all was left to do was prepare the bait. Jonathan yanked the kitchen drawer open, then quickly returning with three knives. He looked Nancy and Olivia in the eyes before saying, "Remember..."

"Straight into Will's room. And-"

"Don't step on the trap." Olivia finished.

"Wait for the yo-yo to move."

"Then..." Jonathan held up his lighter before flicking it open and letting the flame fly into the air, signaling the next step. "All right. You ready?" He then closed the lighter before looking at Liv then back at Nancy.

"Ready." Nancy and Olivia both spoke in unison before the three all stuck out their hands, opening their palms.

"Okay, but why the hands?" Olivia looked up, changing the scared emotion in the room as they both sighed.

"Liv. Be quiet." Jonathan muttered before Olivia looked back down with pursed lips. "Right. Sorry." She cleared her throat quietly before bringing the knife to her palm.

"On three. One... two... You don't have to do this-"

"Jonathan. Shut up." Olivia muttered frustratedly.

"I'm just saying you don't have to-"

"Three." Nancy broke the tension as her words caused the two girls to quickly slice at their hands, then Jonathan following shortly after. Olivia winced at the pain as she observed how much blood started pouring from her palm. She was sure it would heal slowly and painfully, and she grew annoyed with herself for doing this.

The three quickly helped bandage eachother's hands, Nancy being the last one. Olivia stood up and stared at the blood stains on the rug, she was positive Mrs. Byers would be furious. The dark-haired girl looked down at her hand, slowly tracing her finger across the gauze, her face forming in slight pain when her finger pressed too hard against the cut.

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