If there was anything to know about Olivia, it was that she, no matter her condition, was always worried about everyone else's state and wanted to make sure they were stable first. Olivia has always hated the fact that she couldn't care about herself like she could her friends and family, and despite trying to fix that problem, it always stayed the same. Now, despite being shot in the shoulder, she was still, concerned for Alexei.
"Olivia, it's okay." Murray muttered as he breathed heavily, Olivia whimpering as she stumbled onto the back of one of the carnival rides, her shoulder filled with pain, and she could feel it slowly jolting down to her arm. "Stay here, okay? I'm gonna get help, stay here. Watch Alexei." He muttered, Olivia watching as Alexei fell down next to her with a pained grunt, his hands weakly holding onto Murray's shirt to stop the bleeding.
"Don't leave." Olivia choked out with a cry, her arms reaching out to Murray drowsily, tears rolling down her eyes. "Please."
"It's okay, uh, stay here. Stay here, Olivia." Murray muttered frantically before running off in front of the carnival ride they were hidden behind, Olivia reaching for Alexei's hand. She felt as he squeezed hers tightly, the pain unbearable but she let him anyway, knowing he needed the support. She sat up in pain as she held the shirt down with her free hand, knowing he was too pained to actually put pressure on his wound.
"Alexei, Alexei, stay awake." She cried out softly, shaking his shoulder barely. She shook her head as he grunted, trying to keep his eyes open. "Come on."
"I'm sorry, Olivia." The curly-haired man said in Russian, despite the teenager only recognizing 'sorry' and her name, she nodded.
"It's okay. I'm sorry, too." She looked down before wincing, the pain of holding onto his hand unbearable. She tried containing her reaction so he didn't fell sorry, but it didn't matter as tears rolled down her face at the sight of Alexei. "Hey, no, stay awake." She shook her head at the sight of his hand slowly falling down off of his wound, Olivia shaking him slightly.
"Come on, come on." She cried. "Just... S- Stay awake." As she watched his eyelids slowly shut, she shook him harder, her tears uncontrollably falling out of her eyes. "Don't do this, man." She choked out, watching as he clearly began going unconscious, falling in and out of life. She didn't know why she was always the one in the type of situation where she lost someone, but it only made her cry more. Suddenly, she began sobbing loudly, but moving her hand to her mouth, blood smearing on her cheek. She had every right to cry, but she knew she would be killed if she was found by any of the Russians.
"I'm sorry." Alexei whispered in English, Olivia's exhaling shakily as she looked up, his final words being spoken to her out of everyone else he knew.
"It's okay." She muttered back through pain and sobbing. "You can go." Olivia cried with a nod, Alexei's eyes then finally shutting, causing the girl to cry loudly again, and once again bring her bloody hand to her mouth, only putting more blood to her cheeks.
Olivia suddenly felt her eyes, too, falling shut, the girl pulling her head up quickly and looking down to see her pale hands, although it was all seen through a harsh blur. The dark-haired girl tried sitting up, but she cried out quietly as the pain only made it worse. She didn't know how many times she had to try and pry herself awake, but she quickly shot her head up at the feeling of two hands touching her shoulders frantically.
"Liv!" Joyce shouted, the teenager looking up to see the mother shaking her shoulders slightly, but pulling her arm away from the girl's right shoulder when she noticed the large bullet hole. "Oh, my God..."
When Olivia turned her head away from Joyce and Murray to Alexei, she heard the mother gasp before moving over to the Russian. "Alexei!" Joyce shouted quietly, holding the Russian's shoulders.

𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎, steve harrington
FanfictionIn which Olivia Reese falls for the popular boy in Hawkins High. Steve Harrington. How was the brunette supposed to know she would fall for her best friend. Although, she also wasn't supposed to know that he had a taste for one of her acquaintances...