Chapter 43

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The Wheeler house was not what Olivia expected it to look like. Of course, it was covered in endless, disgusting vines and has way too many spider webs for her liking, but aside from that, it looked all too familiar. Almost like nothing about it had changed.

It was also dark. Very dark. Well, she assumed the lights weren't going to be of any help.

She grimaced, the horrible stale and muggy air causing her nose to feel dry. She followed behind Steve, her fingers laced tightly with his. She closed her mouth upon seeing the endless amount of particles floating in the air, and she didn't feel like re-living the events of '84.

"Might be time to get a maid, Wheeler." Robin mused from afar, her lips downturnt.

"Come on. I don't want to stay here any longer they we have to." The curly-haired girl ignored Robin, and quickly moved to the stairs. Guess she really didn't like the idea any more than the other did.

They all trailed up the stairs after her, Olivia letting go of Steve's hand. She didn't even noticed him removing himself from the group and leaving to go to the dining room.

Once Nancy, Olivia, Eddie, and Robin got to her room, Nancy ran to the closet, grabbing a small yellow box from the top shelf. She dropped it onto her dresser, wasting no time in removing the lid.

And what they all assumed was Nancy's guns, actually happened to be something less gruesome. Inside, the box held a pair of small, pink pointed heels.

"Those aren't guns." Eddie retorted, pointing frustratedly at the open box.

"Really?" Olivia mocked, her head tilted in fake confusion, to which Eddie rolled his eyes at.

Robin's eyes trailed around nervously. "These heels are pointy, but I was hoping for a deadly projectile." She muttered, her brows raised high.

"I don't understand." Nancy muttered under her breath, her eyes searching around her room and on the surface of her dresser.

"Maybe you left them somewhere else." Eddie suggested, his shoulders shrugging. Clearly, Nancy didn't agree with that idea because she looked over her shoulder and gave him a dead panned look.

"There's a six-year-old in the house. I know where I keep my guns. And also, I threw these away years ago." Nancy's tense expression suddenly disappeared when her eyes laid on a thick stack of note cards, the writing on them smudged. Under it laid a yellow text book with the word 'Chemistry' printed on the top, bold red letters.

She snatched them from their spot, her hands rifling through them.

Okay, so I understand that you are a total grade freak, but maybe, just maybe, studying isn't the most important thing right now!" Olivia raised her voice, slight annoyance was laced that any of them could tell was just distress in disguise. "And, you know, you could do this once we get out of here, but we cant do that if you don't find your guns. And, me personally, I don't feel like walking back out there without any protection!"

"Liv!" Nancy shouted, her brows raised as she listened to her nervous rent. "These are from sophomore chemistry."

Olivia suddenly sighed, realizing that it was when Steve and Nancy were still dating. She knew now was not the time to be insecure or overly jealous, but she couldn't help but think that they were still madly in love with each other then.

The brunette scoffed, throwing her arm in the air angrily before moving to leave the room. The other three watched her intently, not knowing if she was angry about the fact that it wasn't important, or if it was something else.

She sighed, trailing down the stairs and turning the corner to the dining room where she was met with Steve walking around aimlessly, his head tilted up to the ceiling.

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