Chapter 38

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Olivia couldn't help but find her eyes slowly moving over to her young sisters body sitting down in front of a grave, obviously Billy's. Anybody would know that. Anybody who knew the red-head would know that she insisted on having unfinished words with her step-brother, and she wouldn't let herself die before letting everything off of her chest. But, Olivia thought otherwise. She wasn't going to die, at all. She couldn't.

Now, while Steve had his arm around Olivia's shoulder, the girl continued biting her nails anxiously to see the moment when Max stood from her sitting position and quickly strolled over to them. She was too anxious. Lucas and Dustin were both on the other side of the car, the two just as worried and bored as the others.

Olivia felt Steve stand up from beside her, causing the girl to turn her head. She noticed him looking at his watch and biting his lip anxiously. "All right, it's been long enough."

Lucas, who was sitting atop of the car hood, frowned as he watched Steve move away from Olivia and begin walking up the hill of graves, and to his ultimate target, Max. "Steve, just give her some time." Lucas pleaded.

"Steve, come on, let her do this alone." Olivia had to admit, she hated leaving her sister who she loved dearly alone where she could easily be Vecna's next target. And what she hated most, what that she also agreed with Lucas to just leave her alone and wait.

"I have, all right, Sinclair?" Steve raised his voice towards Lucas' remark. "I'm calling it. She wants to get a lawyer, she can." And with that, the tall brunette began walking off again. Lucas and Dustin both gave Olivia disbelieved stares before she groaned. Having no choice, she pushed herself off of the car and caught up to Steve.

He felt her presence when her arm brushed his, but for some reason, they didn't have to say anything to break the comfortable silence as they strutted up the large hill.

Once they got there, Olivia felt a sense of relief wash over her. She didn't know what it was about, but she figured judt being with the girl was it.

"Max. You ready to go?" She questioned, slowing down her walking in sync with her boyfriend.

"Time to giddy up, yeah?" Steve added on, but when the red-head didn't respond or even turn her head to acknowledge them, Olivia figured she was upset. She knelt down with a sigh, Steve following her.

"Max? Did you hear me?" Olivia muttered, but her scrunched face that was once trying to block out the sun fell quickly when she saw the one thing she wished would never happen. Max's eyes were grazed a glossy white and her body was frozen still. Her jaw fell open in fear as she exchanged a terrified glance with Steve.

"Max. Max." Steve spoke frantically as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Max..." Olivia almost whispered, her eyes already filling with tears at the sight. She put her hand on Max's other shoulder as the two began shouting her name much louder now.

"Max! Wake up!" Olivia cried out, gently shaking her shoulder, even though she wanted to cry and cry.

"Hey!" Steve began clapping his hands in the red-head's face, but her eyes remained white and open. Olivia couldn't even see life in her eyes. And she could always see life in her sister's eyes. "Max, wake up!"

"Max!" Olivia shouted, both hands now on her sister's shoulders as she shook her more violently. "Come on! Wake up! Max!"

She let out a shaky breath as Steve had one hand on her back and the other holding Max's shoulder. They continued to call out for the red-head. Steve eventually turned to look over his shoulder in fear for the other boys.

"Guys!" He screamed at the top of his longues, but Dustin and Lucas were already staring ahead with fear, they knew something was wrong. The two teens suddenly began in a sprint, running as fast as they could towards the two scared teens and the unconscious-like teen.

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