Chapter 1 : The Birth of Akihiko Hatake

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In the story, Pakura and Kakashi will be slightly older than they usually would be in Naruto part 1 since Pakura is technically dead in Naruto Shippuden. Another thing is their son is actually a year older than Naruto, so he is in the same class as Rocklee, Tenten, and Neji Hyuga. Lastly, a lovely person made this cover for me, so thanks to them.

Well enough with the critical notes, and onto the story!


Third Person POV

It was a cold, windy evening in the village of Konohagakure. Everyone was inside, getting ready to call it an evening, except for those who work during the evening.

A young married couple of nineteen-year-olds were relaxing in bed for the evening. A beautiful woman with fair skin and pupilless brown eyes, as well as green hair tied in a bun with orange tips framing the sides of her face, was resting her head against a man who was sitting next to her, reading an orange book.

The man has spikey liver hair oriented to the left side and has a dark grey eye, while his other one was covered by his forehead protector with the Hidden Leaf Symbol on it. He also had a black mask covering his face.

"Kakashi, do you always have to read that book?" The woman said with a sigh looking at her husband.

"Pakura, of course, I do; Master Jiraiya's books are excellent reading material," Kakashi said, glancing at his wife before looking back at his book gigging.

Pakura looked at Kakashi, annoyed as he continued reading his book.

'Him and that book. Well, guess I should be used to it since we got married a year ago since the two of us started dating a few months after the war and alliance were made.' Pakura thought, looking at Kakashi as she continued to rest her head on his shoulder.

Pakura was pulled out of her thoughts as she felt a sharp pain in her stomach and winced. Kakashi looked up from his book as he felt his wife wince and looked at her with concern in his one visible eyes.

"Pakura, what the matter?" He asked.

'Dang, this hurts. The baby must be coming now.' She thought as she felt water run down her legs and another contraction in her stomach.

"The baby co-" Pakura could not continue as she felt the pain worsening and let out a bloody curdling scream.

"Pakura, hang on. I get you to a hospital," Kakashi said quickly, putting a shirt on as he picked up Pakura and rushed out of the house to get her to the hospital.


It has now been ten hours since Kakashi brought Pakura to the hospital when she started going into labor. Pakura was now giving birth to her and Kakashi's child.

"Ah!" Pakura screamed, squeezing Kakashi's hand in pain, nearing breaking it.

"Pakura, hang on. It is going to be okay," Kakashi said, trying to help his wife relax.

"Shut up! It's your fault I'm suffering from giving birth!" Pakura screamed at the top of her lungs from her pain.

"Pakura, just relax. The baby will be out soon," He said, continuing to calm her down.

"Just give one more big push!" A woman with brown hair tied into a bun said.

Pakura let out another loud scream as she gave one more final push. Kakashi smiled behind his mask as Pakura gave a final push as the baby finally came out.

Pakura took a deep breath as she tried to recover from the painful labor she had been in for ten hours now since she started giving birth.

"Congratulation it, a baby boy, you two," The woman said, heading the baby over to Pakura after cleaning him off and wrapping him into a dark blue blanket.

"Wow, he's so handsome. His hair is a mix of mine and his father's," Pakura smiled through her exhaustion as she looked at the bundle in her arms.

"Let me see him," Kakashi said, leaning over Pakura's shoulder to see his newly born son in her arms.

"He has my face but both of my hair colors. He will definitely have to wear a mask when older too many girls are after him," Kakashi stated.

"Hey, that good means he handsome don't force him to wear a mark unless he wants to," Pakura commented as she watched their son sleep in her arms.

The woman smiled as she watched the young couple looking at their son, who hadn't opened his eyes yet as he continued to sleep peacefully.

"What are you going to name him?" She asked.

"I was thinking about the name Akihiko Hatake," Pakura replied.

"Akihiko Hatake sounds like a great name Pakura," Kakashi agreed and nearly gasped, seeing the beautiful brown eyes that matched Pakura's eyes looking right back at him.

"Wow, he has my eyes there, so beautiful," Pakura whispered.

"I agree, Pakura. They are beautiful, just like your eyes. He might need a mask and cover for his eyes," Kakashi commented.

"Kakashi, oh, just shut it; he has just been born. Let him be, and you are acting like he is a girl who needs protection," Pakura laughed as she lay back with her new son close to her as she slowly fell asleep to recover from giving birth to her, and Kakashi's son was born on April 20th.


It has been a few days since Pakura gave birth, and they had to stay in the hospital for a few days to recover. While recovering, she was visited by Minato, Kushina, Kurenai, and Anko.

After a couple of hours, everyone left as Kakashi came to pick her and Akihiko up after being was discharged from the hospital.

The new family was heading home when they ran into Gai, who was asking about the youthful boy was, until Kakashi shut him up, telling him it was their child, and headed to home and placed Akihiko into his new room. Pakura smiled at Kakashi as they watched their baby boy sleep peacefully in his crib.

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