Chapter 3: A new Classmate

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It has been a couple of months now since Akihiko had started going to the Ninja academy as well as formed a rivalry with Riku Uchiha. The two boys had become the top two and third in class, with Neji Hyuga in the number one top spot so far.

"Alright, class, before we begin today's lesson, we have a new student joining us today, "Daiki-sensei said.

"A new student," Everyone whispered except for Akihiko and Riku, who exchanged a curious glance at Daiki-sensei.

"You can come on in!" Daiki-sensei said.

The door slid open as a girl with shoulder-length red hair and purple eyes walked into the room carrying a bento box and a bag on her back containing her class supplies.

"Now come stand up front and introduce yourself to the class," Daiki said.

The girl nodded and moved to stand in front of the classroom.

"Hello everyone, my name is Ayane Uzumaki, and I just moved here with my mother and father from a town in the Land Rivers. I hope we can be friends," She introduced herself with a bow.

"Now, does anyone have any questions for Ayane?" Daiki-sensei asked.

Riku was the first one to raise his hand.

"What's your question, Riku?" Daiki-sensei asked.

"I know one Uzumaki in the village, but he has blonde are you by chance related?" Rilu asked, making Akihiko look at him, slightly surprised.

'Wow, he didn't use Hn while speaking for once.' Akihiko thought, looking at Riku.

"We could be cousins, my mother did mention a sister once, but I don't know her sister's name or where her sister lives," Ayane replied.

"Hn. I see that was my only question."

Daiki-sensei nodded as he called on other kids who were raising their hands to ask questions.

"So why did you move her?"

"My parents wanted me to be around more kids my age. So we moved here. There was once a village full of members of the Uzumaki clan, but I was told it was destroyed at some point," Ayane explained.

"Uzumaki clan never heard of that."

"Well, I guess it wasn't talking about much since the village was destroyed, so they probably believe that nobody survived," Ayane stated.

"Alright, any more questions?"

After hearing nothing but silence, Daiki-sensei spoke up again.

"No. Then Ayane takes next to Riku," He said, pointing over toward the empty seat on the left of Riku.

"Yes, sensei," Ayane said, walking over to the seat next to Riku, feeling the eyes of the fangirls on her.

"She better not try to flirt with those two," A girl whispered.

'Okay, these girls need to understand by now that we're not interested, especially those who flirt with Neji. That guy has a bad attitude.' Akihiko thought as he sighed at the girls whispering, upset with the new girl sitting next to him and Riku.

"Hn," Riku said, nodding at the new girl sitting next to him.

"Now we're back to normal," Akihiko commented, seeing Riku was back to saying Hn.

"Alright, class, now we will begin today of with a history lesson," Daiki-sensei said, opening up the history book.

Akihiko and Riku nodded, and both began to take notes as Daiki-sensei started to read the page he was on in the history book.

"My notes will be better than yours," Riku commented.

"Oh, dream on my will be better," Akihiko stated.

After a good fifteen minutes of history, the class then moved on to writing before they were dismissed for lunch.


Akihiko sat on a bench under a nice shady tree, eating his lunch along with Riku.

"So, what do you have for lunch today?" Akihiko asked.

"Hn. Some Apple slices and rice," Riku replied.

"Do you like apples because you have them often."

"Yes, I enjoy apples while my younger brother loves tomatoes."

"I see my favorite food is Miso soup," Akihiko replied.

"Um, excuse," A voice said, gaining the boy's attention.


Akihiko shook his head as he turned around to see Ayane standing near them, holding a bento box.

"I was wondering if I could eat with you two if it is not a problem," She said.

"Yeah, go ahead and sit here," Akihiko said, giving her a close eye smile behind his mask.


"You sure? I don't want to bother you," She said, looking at Riku and then Akihiko.

"Oh, don't mind him. He is always like this, but he is okay with it," Akihiko kindly told her."I might only know him for four months, but I learned to understand what he means."

"So he not bothered by me sitting here then?" She asked slowly, sitting down by Riku.

"No, he doesn't mind. We can tell your different from most girls in this class," Akihiko stated."Not all girls are bad in her, but many of them care more about boys than actual training."

"Yeah, I notice how they been stareing at you since I got here," she said, opening her bento box.


"Yeah, I agree, Riku. They can be pretty annoying."

"Really, that's what he was saying?"

"I know not everyone can understand him, but he talks as you saw earlier when he asks his question but prefers this when he doesn't feel like talking."

Ayane nodded as she focused on eating her lunch, and Akihiko did the same as well.

After lunch, everyone went inside to work on math on and a bit more history until class was dismissed for the day. Everyone was allowed to go on home after receiving a math worksheet for homework and starting to read the next chapter of the history book.

Chapter End!

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