7. Grief, Bargaining and Betrayal

754 43 38

July 2nd, 2018

"I just don't understand why he'd cheat on me? Am I ugly, Jan? Am I not attractive anymore?" Terri says, sitting across from me on the love seat weeping. While I sit on the other end, feeling guilty. I'm sleeping with my best friend's husband's, ex mistress. Ghetto. Torn between the two.

"You're beautiful, T. You know this. You still get compliments about your beauty. Don't sleep on yourself." She looks at me, exhaustion written all over her face, she grabs bank statements from the coffee's table and reads over them

"I know Jan. It's just frustrating. I give this my man ALL. Even before we got married! But who ever KK is got a Rolex, a promise ring, a townhome-"

"And a partridge and a pear tree." I say and chuckle. I can't believe Kamya was pimping this man like this. I see Terri giving me the side eye so I scrunch my nose.

"You get that goofy shit from your brothers, I swear. Y'all get on my nerves." She says. My brothers! I think. I could use that to boost her confidence. They always try to hit on her, and one thing about the Jackson men, they don't like ugly women.

"I can't believe you asked if your were ugly, T. All my brothers think you're the finest thing walking...still to this day. Especially Tito. He loves him some Terri Nicole." Her face brightens.

"Oh Toriano." I gag and laugh.

"Girl, I just want you to know you're horrible at hiding stuff. I know about you and Tito screwing around when we were younger." She pauses, then screams laughing.

"I'm so sorry I never told you oh my gosh. Jan...how did you-you know what, never mind. Dont answer that" she finishes and we laugh together. I'm just happy I was able to get her mind off of the situation with Byron big ass.

"You feelin a little better?" I ask, in hopes of a yes

"I won't feel better until I find the little girl. I think that's one of his students or coworkers. I know I've seen her around I just can't put my finger on it. I think her name is like Kaniyah? Yeah, Kaniyah." She says, clearly thinking out loud. I just shake my head.

"Maybe y'all need to whoop HIS ass together."

"Nope. Cause if I get ahold to him I'm wringing his neck. Then imma end up in my best friends case load. I'd rather just whoop her narrow ass like her trifling ass momma should've. Most whores who sleep with married men never had a daddy, so her father needs his ass whooped too." She says , but it makes me uncomfortable...how dare she talk about Kamya and she doesn't even know her name, let alone HER? Then to talk about her parents, uhn uhn.

"Normally I'd agree Terri. But you don't know that girl. You don't know her parents, you barely know her name. Your husband could've been telling her ANYTHING so that she'd mess with him. Don't down talk the girl. Down talk Byron cheating ass." I say, and my phone vibrates with a message from Miss Kamya herself, who I've been avoiding and spinning since Terri found out about her

Kamya♥️: Goldie I miss you. Can you come over?

Janet: busy

Kamya♥️: I asked you if you were gonna switch up and you said no, but for 3 days you've been avoiding me and I've needed you the most Janet! Don't talk me ever again.

I read her message and sigh. This is stressful

"And you got the nerves to be defending this homewrecker that you don't even know! Janet you're wrong!" Terri screams at me. I missed more than half of the first part

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