23). Bells Ringing

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Omniscient POV
Next morning
Charlotte, NC

"LESHAE" Janet yells to a sleeping Kamya. The younger woman springs up from her sleep, initially frightened. But that quickly turns into anger

"DAMITA!" She yells back, getting out of bed to face Janet "why the fuck would you wake me up like that?!"

"Watch your mouth, Kamya. It's 2 o'clock. You need to get up."

"We have nothing to do. You just bein extra right now."

"I'm just being extra? Well please explain why Michelle and Val has called your phone 20 times to let you know they're on the way over here, which you told me nothing about!" Kamya's eyes grow large, looking at the date on her phone. She did promise the two women that they could come over today but boy...the family had a time last night

"My bad Jan. The party was slappin so hard last night I  forgot about them."

"I'm gonna need you to not forget...especially when they're coming to my house." Janet says and walks to the restroom, kamya follows pulling out her phone to text Valerie

"Wow, so it's just your house now? After you begged me to move in?"

"Baby you're taking it-"

"No, I'm not taking it wrong. You meant what you said"

"mya I don't feel like arguing. We had a great time last night. We celebrated a death, rekindled friendships and a marriage proposal all on Christmas Day. I'm hungover just like you and quite frankly, I don't have the energy to be goin back and forth."

"Just word it better next time I guess." The young woman says and walks away.

"Kamya...I know you don't have an attitude."

"I don't. It's all good. I'm about to get dressed. They'll be here in thirty minutes."


"You two make such a beautiful couple. I'm sure my sissy would approve" Valerie tells them and Michelle agrees

"Yeah, they're beautiful! Janet have you always been attracted to her?"

"I hadn't seen Kamya in years. I saw her at the funeral and it went from there."

"Oh ok. So seeing her at her mothers and your mentor's funeral made you want her?" Valerie asks

"Val..." Michelle says and looks at her. Janet and Kamya also gives her the same look

"I'm just curious...it's a rather interesting way of meeting someone Shell. I don't mean to offend y'all. I'm sorry" The woman apologizes

"It's ok, God mom. But let me just say this to clear up confusion. I don't remember Janet from when we were little, so it's not like it was some funny things going on or she groomed me. We're both grown and can make decisions for ourselves" Kamya says to Val. Michelle smiled at the young woman's response

"That's all that matters love bug! You have a lovely home by the way Janet. This living room set up is amazing"

"Thank you! This is definitely my favorite room in OUR home." Janet says and kamya smiles brightly, hearing her girlfriend refer to the house as theirs. The four women engage in further conversation ranging in a variety of topics.


"Excuse me while I take this call." Janet announces

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