Somewhat more bonding || 4

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Underlined bold text: reichtangle
Bold text: any country (will write which one it is)
Many spelling mistakes please don't mind it.
"HE DID WHAT!" Australia shouted loudly  "Aus calm down plus why do you even care? You barely known her" Britain said trying his best to calm down Australia from wrecking the place
"Crikey mate ya know just because I don't know someone doesn't mean I'll let another HURT THEM!" Australia said glaring daggers to reichtangle
"I swear I didn't do anything I just saw her and gave her a hug plus she needed one she was sad!"
"please sit down Australia I am not lying, I have no intention of harming y/n or anyone here"
"BULLCRAP!" Yelled America
"America! Language!" Britain said trying his best to calm aus and Ame but it was pretty hard because they were extremly angry from the sudden news
"Can we please just sit down y/n will be here any second we don't want them to see us fighting over this, please can we just stop this argument?" Reichtangle said acting calm yet sad that pretty much all of them hate him
"I swear I had no intention of hurting y/n I was just giving them a hu-" reich felt two arms wrap around him from behind, he tensed up not daring to move wondering who it could be. He turned around relaxing as he saw y/n hugging him
"Mmmm can you guys please not argue you guys are pressuring reich, Britain can't drink his tea in peace, soviet is anxious as hell plus reich didn't hurt me in any way" y/n saying a bit muffled from snuggling into reichs back, surprisingly his coat was super soft. (Still I do not ship you and reich together I'm making him like a father figure to you)

Everyone had quieted down yet reich could still feel others glaring at him, poor fella
"Is there a problem America" y/n said noticing America was full on death staring reich, "n-nothing" he said turning around embarrassed

After everyone was done Britain offered to help clean the dishes and y/n kept denying since they're basically guest but eventually gave in

"Britain you know you don't have to"
"You made us you food are giving all of us shelter, I'm surprised you haven't turned us in or killed us or reich for that matter. So consider this a repayment for you kindness" Britain said in a soothing tone
"Oh ok then but you guys are basically still guest it's rude to make your guest help with housework"
"Don't even worry about it~" y/n smiled at the kind action.
When they were done y/n looked at all of them
"Uhh do you guys want new clothes those look a tad bit uncomfortable"
"YEAH!" screamed Australia which surprised you a bit

Here's what they were wearing before

Here's what they were wearing before Britain:

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