A little late night stroll || 8

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Ok I've noticed that when I'm writing the bold text turns into Normal text I'm not sure if it's showing up for you guys so uh hope it isn't to much of a bother for y'all
One more thing, you will sometimes see me call reichtangle second riech
Onto the story now

As y/n opened the door to her house she was hit with a strong great and delicious scent coming from the kitchen
And she walked over to the kitchen with the others following. America and soviet were holding the bags and y/n held some too
She saw Britain cooking
"Hi Brit! We're back!"
"Oh dear i hadn't even realised you were here, my apologies" Britain said soon having a confused face trying to figure out who the three other figures were behind them "haha no need to apologise Britain, it's fine plus what are you cooking?" Y/n said giving Brit a smile
"Oh just some French onion soup, nothing big, nothing little" Britain said with a smile on his lips
"Hey riech?" Y/n said in a questioning matter
"Can you go tell the rest that there's going to be new people joining us" reich nodded and went upstairs
"BRITAIN!" you heard a familiar voice yell, "f-France?" Britain said in shock as he was tackled in a bone breaking hug, "oh how much I've missed you!, also I didn't know you knew how to make French onion soup?"
"U-uh well y-you see I um" Britain said stuttering
"You don't know how to make it do you?" France said staring at Britain while he looked back sweating rapidly
"N-no" France let out a sigh while looking at the somewhat ashamed British man and told the others that he'll help do the cooking

**after getting everything settled**
Everyone was shocked to see North Korea, South Korea, Japan and France here as well
"Ok guys you should know these people but I'll still introduce them to you, meet north and South Korea, France and Japan now let's eat or your food will get cold!" You said putting down bowls of the onion soup to everyone, when they all finished you grabbed the bowls and began cleaning. Obviously Britain came up and asked for help whic you said no but he kept insisting and eventually you gave up and you both cleaned the dishes together

Everyone immediately picked someone to go with them, north didn't want to be roommates with anyone so reich saw this and gave up his room for north
The roommates:
Britain with France
America became roommates with Australia
South Korea rotates with Japan
North is alone (cuz he wants to, DONT COME AT ME-)

"Okay reich you can sleep on my bed I'll take the couch till I find a mattress in the morning"
"No it's fine I'll take the couc-"
"No you will not, now soviet take reich to our room and no fighting"
Reich kept insisting he slept on the couch but eventually gave up because he couldn't win against you, you told all of them to go to their rooms with the extra blankets you gave them, everyone left leaving you alone in the living room
"I've got some questions human" a voice said behind you. You flinched immediately turning around just to see North Korea leaning on a wall
"We'll go ahead I'm not stopping you?" You said confidently
"How do you have this house, your not selling dead bodies on the black market for money are you?"
"W-what?! No I don't sell dead bodies on the black market ! This house was given to me by my father, he's dead"
His eyes widened a bit but just enough that you noticed
"So how do you make money"
"I work as an artist" (once again you can choose whatever job you want but this is just in case if your not bothered to choose)
"May I see some of you artworks?" North said somewhat interested to which you nodded. You led him down to your basement where his eyes widened in shock "y-you did this by yourself?"
You nodded as you saw north walking around admiring all of the paintings and drawings till you remembered 'oh shit' you thought to yourself as you saw North Korea pick up a very familiar piece of paper you drew on

"How did you know us!?" North shouted at you
"W-what?" You said cowering in fear, these country humans were way stronger than you are
"This!" He said showing a drawing of UN 🇺🇳 and some other country's and organisations
"Oh that, you guys are pretty famous, your basically a fandom. Here I'll show you"
You said pulling out your phone and going to google searching 'countryhuman fanart north Korea'
He hesitantly looked at your phone and began looking amused "o-oh very well then, I'll be off and I think you should know that umm the fbi may be after you"
"Goodnight human, and dont worry it's was just a joke, maybe..." and with that north just disappeared into the unknown upstairs you looked down trying to process everything, eventually you just settled on asking him tomorrow as you turned the lights off and walked upstairs into the living room. You took out your phone quickly checking the time as it read, 12:04 pm

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