In their world now|| 10

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We're changing up plans, there's going to be female CH so hope that isn't too much of a bother- but I hope your enjoying the book so far :D
As you hit the floor face first you had realised it was marble, so your in a building of some sort. You look around taking in a lot of details from your surroundings making sure to not make a noise just in case some creature was there waiting for it's prey, the room seemed like it belonged to someone rich who has an obsession with the colour red and an x of some sort, you feel like you've seen it before but you shrugged it off  . You got up wanting to get off the marble as it was cold and plus it made the light shine was brighter than it actually was so it just shined into your eyes. There seemed to be a bed and obviously there was someone on it. You got up and walked over to the bed cautiously and silently to not wake up the figure as it could have a weapon and kill you right here right now.

As you got closer the figure's face became clearer to you and it was
'Oh god I'm dead' you thought to yourself, the person was nazi, nazi Germany himself. You tried to keep calm by looking around frantically trying to find your bag and opal if they even made it with you, you hadn't noticed the person move and get up as you felt a tight grip around your neck, 'well this will surely leave bruises' as you closed your eyes trying to avoid any eye contact with nazi
"Who are you? I've never seen you before?... are you a new country"
"I-im not a c-CoUntry" you tried to say as the grip on your neck tightened
"Then what are you doing at MY house, how did you get through all my guards YOU INTRUDER!" Nazi yelled at you but soon enough he let go of your throat and let you drop onto the floor, he grabbed out a gun quickly pointing it towards your shoulder "oh please don't you da- AHH BLYAT!" (F*ck)
Nazi shot your shoulder without hesitation as you cursed under your breath he aimed at your head "F*cking Russian"
"IM NOT RUSSIAN (sorry if you are) "
'WELP this is the end for me i guess, what does dying feel like though' you questioned yourself while still staring at the floor waiting for the impact of the bullet from the gun

"Explain to me why you are doing at my house and explain who you are since you aren't a country"
"L-Look man I'm just as confused as you are, i got teleported here and I need to get somewhere so li- OH GOD WHAT IN GODS NAME IS THAT!" You said as you looked to the side to which nazi pointed his gun towards that direction so you took advantage of him being distracted and kicked him harshly on his knee making him fall backwards while letting out a yelp, you picked this guy up and either nazi was very light or you were very strong while also considering you managed to do this with a wounded shoulder. You picked him up and crashed him into the marble floor and you swore you heard a crack
"ARGH SCHEISSE, WAS ZUR HÖLLE!" (Argh sh!t what the hell!)
"oh god i didn't mean to go that harsh on you sorry about that"
He whimpered in defeat as he just lied there, he would've got up but he felt paralysed in his current state
You saw him bleeding and you felt bad being the sympathetic person you are. (Hah imagine)
You ran around the room trying to find bandages because you didn't want to use the ones you packed for yourself
"W-what Are you doing. Stop snooping around my stuff!" Nazi yelled in annoyance at you while still on the ground so you grabbed your knife and pointed it at his neck
"I'm trying to find the bandages and you better tell me where they are or your head comes off"
"Right drawer on my desk, the one with lots of paper.."
You looked in the drawer and there it was so you grabbed it and made your way over to no no Germany while he backed up not wanting you to hurt him any longer
"Geez I'm not going to hurt you just stop moving"
"Y-you literally threatened to chop my head of if I didn't tell you were some dumb bandages were"
"Amemmemememe, bro just shut up" you mocked him as you kneeled down and bandaged him slowly but carefully
'Why am I even helping this guy.. he's literally one of the worst people in history'
As you basically hugged him so you could wrap the bandage around, he flinched harshly which caught you off guard as you slipped
"You scared me-"
"I'm sorry but why did you have to hug me!"
"How else was I meant to get the bandage around then!?"

Nazi looked down in confusion while you finished bandaging him
You grabbed the gun from his hand "If I'm being very honest I'm surprised you haven't shot me to death when we first met"
"Yes I'm cold hearted but not that much that I'd kill you on the spot, I mean if you were soviet then sure I would've"
"Your weird"
"I know"
You got up and placed the gun on his desk, went back to him and picked him up
"W-what the, UNHAND ME! PUT ME DOWN!" he began flinging his arms and legs around like a kid
"Your making this more difficult than it should be idiot"
You placed him on his bed as you picked up your stuff after, "uhu" a noise came from the corner, it was opal
"Thank god" you picked up opal as you walked towards the door right after
"Consider this a second chance so don't ruin it, if you do your head will be in my hands next time" as you closed the door and ran out of the house. You felt a sharp pain in your shoulder. You ignored it as you ran into the woods wanting to get as far away as you could

It was snowing.. just great.. yes you could handle very cold situations but you weren't wearing any thick clothing and the wind was very strong as if it could blow you away any second, you sat down "what would happen if I die right now?" You said to yourself as you felt your eyes getting heavy
'Oh shit I didn't mean I actually want to die right now' you got up and continued walking as you saw a figure wait no, a person. You were very cautious this time as you didn't know if they were armed with weapons or not, and for a fact you knew you'd didn't want to get shot, at least not again.
You crept closer to the person and saw they had no weapons and you went even closer
You didn't want to die alone so you screamed at them "help! Please help!"
The person obviously heard you as they rushed around trying to look for you. When they did they stared in shock
"Oh goodness! Are you okay?! You look like your dying!" (No offence tho)
"I kinda am dying I think, can you get me away from this place please I don't like it here.."
"O-of course!"
They put one of your arms over them self and began walking
"So what country are you?"
"Huh?, oh yeah I'm actually.. not a country I'm a human"
They stopped in their tracks while they pulled out what seemed to be a phone and dialled a number  and called them, when the call was over they
"I-I need to get you to UN, a human has never made it to the countryhuman world before, but before we go to UN I'll take you to my house and he'll pick you up from there.."
"Ahah well new experience for the both of us I guess?"
While you both began walking a bit you took some moments to figure out who this country was, they were wearing a cloth of some sort with two green stars..
'Is this Iraq?, wait no it has two stars..' you took a moment and finally realised 'oh wait this is Syria' (congrats you met the country I was born in)
Syria seemed to look like a girl, they had many many wounds some old and some fresh
"A-are you okay?"
"Uhh yeah?.. is something wrong about me?"
"No no it's just that you have a lot of wounds and cuts and that is not normal"
"Oh that, my country is in like a war and stuff but I'll be fine or at least I hope so.."
The mood became a bit awkward the whole way but when you made it there it was a house not to big but not to small, it was suitable for 2-3 people, the surrounding area was still snowing but not as harsh as it was in the woods
"This is my house, I don't live with anyone so that's why it's a bit small"
"That's nice but... could you help me please.."
"With what, what happe- oh what the. is that a gun shot wound?"
"Oh well I'm not the best at bandaging but I can tr-"
"No no there's no need for bandaging I can do it myself it's just that I feel.." you cut syria off as you couldn't keep your eyes open any longer and you dropped down making a hard impact with the floor beneath you, you last heard Syria yelling in panic while you saw another person with large colourful wings and their eyes were covered by these white leaf things, you couldn't think much of it as it all went pitch black

Yo you met my country so yes I'm Syrian :D
Word count: 1691 (hehe 69)

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