Questions and arguement || 6

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So basically your gonna be asking them questions this and that and they all ask you questions as well, then an argument happens


"Does it involve murder?" Y/n asked seriously
"No.. why?.." Ame said concerned for his life-
"Well if it doesn't include murder ima not do it"
"Ok tell me what it is"
"How about you ask us questions about ourselves and we'll ask you questions"
"Ok sure I don't see why not?"

"AUS GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" America shouted while an Australian voice replied obviously angry "I swear to god ame i will bloody kill ya so painfully" "yeah yeah what ever snake boy" y/n giggled at the statement while Australia just rolled his eyes
"So we're doing this question things where she asks us questions we answer and we ask her questions and she answers" America quickly explained to aus "I guess it's not that bad"
"Hey uh can I join in to?" Reich said nervously
"Of course reich!" You said happily and while everyone else was a bit concerned but eventually went on to sit down
So there was Britain, Australia, riechtangle and America playing

"Ok y/n I have a BIG question to ask right now..." America said with a teethy grin, oh god you knew this was bad..
"Go ahead i have nothing to hide." You said confidently even though YOU WERENT CONFIDENT AT THE MOMENT-
"Did you by any chance fuck Russia's dad?"
"what? I saw what you guys did last night after your mother left" y/n blushed a deep red until another voice responded
"If you put it that way then no, it was more of like Russia's dad fucked her" y/n saw that soviet was the one who responded while America ,Britain, Australia, reich and y/n stared in shock
"U-uh Australia question for you.. who's your favourite broth-" "New Zealand, no hesitation just New Zealand" "oop well ok"
"Well this is more of a question for all of y'all's, do you guys have like.. another form or something like that?"
All the country's stared at each other before soviet spoke up "Welp I don't see a point in hiding it?" He said as the once tall red faced man turned into smoke leaving a tiny ball on the ground. All the others did the same but one stood out that caught your attention, it was reich except the difference was that reich was just a rectangle, just how you expected.

"AWWW YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!" "I am not! How dare you!" Soviet said before getting gently picked up by y/n "UNHAND MEEEeeee.." his voice quieted down as he became beet red noticing y/n petting them like a cat while also doing the same for the others even reich. They all turned back to their original form

"Ok I have a question about you guys which might be a bit sad for some of you I think.."
"It's fine go ahead" Britain said waiting to know what the question was
"Well when your country like collapse do you guys basically die?.."
they all stared at you which was pretty overwhelming but Australia started speaking to break the tension
"Well when a country basically dies the body and countryball Its self stays in the world with the flag and everything except their flag will become dull, cracks will be in their body and they'll be a bit weaker but overall they should be fine, well not all of them end like that... some end a bit more... different."
"If you don't mind me asking, how did they end the different way?" Everyone stayed silent not daring to say a word except one voice spoke up.

"East and west Germany didn't end well, they died.. they were my brothers but after World War Two they both died, their face was cracked up all the way they couldn't stay and eventually crumbled, or in other words they turned to dust" third Reich said while tears were threatening to fall down
"As if you ever cared, you are just some selfish and heartless monster " America mumbled out catching y/n's and everyone's attention. You swore you could see tears forming from reich's eyes
"I'm sorry but NO ONE WILL SPEAK TO EACH OTHER LIKE THAT  AMERICA!, YOUR NOT SO INNOCENT EITHER ARE YOU?. WHAT ABOUT YOU AFGHANISTAN HUH ? I'm sorry for shouting but I do not want you or anyone for that matter to speak to each other like that"
America didn't know what came over him, he didn't actually mean to say that to third as he stared back at y/n in pure shock by what she said to him
"America I think it's best to apologise" Britain said while facing ame "I-I Im sorry I di-didn't know what came over to me I never meant to say that to you reich , I am sorry.. truely sorry" America said apologising to Reich as he stared back in confusion why ame was apologising, TO HIM? He couldn't help but feel his lips curl into a smile, I slowly walked over to him while he looked back in fear which is understandable, I rose my arms and..  pulled him into a hug. (DISCLAIMER! I DO NOT SHIP THEM!) He trembled in shock but eventually hugged back after a good moment the British man spoke
"Okay enough you two let's get back to questions" Britain said with a smile while his heart warmed up looking at the two, eventually they let go of each other and sat back down and began to question y/n
"So like what do humans do?" The American said visibly curious
"They exist" y/n replied while everyone else tried to hold in their laughs
"Ok then what do animals do?!" Ame said a bit frustrated
"They also exist" and that was the last straw for all of them as they burst out laughing, America just rolled their eyes as the others eventually calmed down
Britain eventually asked one that was a bit sensitive to you (ahahaha time to ruin the happy mood)

"So uh.. y/n do you have any um.. past trauma?" Brit said
"O-oh! Umm well yeah.." you replied a bit anxious
"Mind telling us about it?" He questioned while very curious. Y/n thought it was a better idea to say then keep it bottled up
"S-so when I was younger I've had bullies and well it never ended well, they'd always hit me or just hurt me both physically and mentally.. I-I "
Y/n kept stuttering as she felt everyone's gaze on her
"Do you still get bullied?" America asked glancing at something on y/n
"W-well um yes but I'm on holiday so I don't need to worry about it, plus I'm dropping out of school since there not much left and I already have a high paying job.."
"Ok then.. did they hurt you in any other way because it seems like they did" Britain said also noticing what America was staring at
"What do you m-mean" y/n said hoping they didn't notice that one thing she tried to hide
"Y/n you know what we're talking about... on your neck.." Britain said waiting for an answer behind it
Y/n just stared back in shock and pulled her shoulders upwards trying their best to hide the hickey from a couple days ago, seems b/n bit a bit to hard which is why it's taking so long to fade away..

"No pressure but who did that to your neck?" America said sensing y/n was a bit anxious, y/n let out a sighs knowing it's better to get the pain off her chest
"B/n (bully name) was their name, after school they'd always come up to me and steal my money and normally hurt me but that time it was different, t-they pinned me to the wall and I couldn't move, I couldn't scream, I couldn't do anything i felt was fucking paralysed . They laid their head down and did something I never wanted them to do.."
Y/n felt hands creep behind her as she flinched in shock, it was just soviet.. Wait.. SOVIET ONION? (See what I did there >:D ) He hugged y/n and she tuned around, he rubbed circles into her back in a comforting sense "Dont worry no one can hurt you now, not a single soul.."
She let herself cry as she hugged back snuggling into soviet

USSR eventually looked down to see a sleeping and calm y/n in his arms "I'll go take them to their room and ik yall will plan something cuz y'all are demon children so I'll leave you to it" soviet said as he walked upstairs

"We must protect her it's the best we can do~" Britain said with an angry vengeful tone yet still sounding formal
reich was smirking widely showing his sharp teeth, everyone stared in shock which he immediately closes his mouth apologising
"Don't apologise mate, I find them pretty cool to be honest, like a crocodile you know" aus said happily
"Y-you do?" Reich said obviously surprised to which Australia nodded smiling
"Australia's right I've never seen any teeth as sharp as yours" Russia said somewhat amazed while leaning on the doorframe for the living room

Word count: 1624

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