Normal day Normal life|| 1

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Tws: swearing, violence/bullying, sexual assault y/n: your name. B/n: bullies name t/n: teachers name
Bold text: teacher
Normal text: you
Underlined text: bully
You woke up To another day of miseryhey at least it's the last day of school! You said to yourself which did not help at all but in fact made it worse since the amount time you would have social interaction was very low and least someone would talk to you at school even if it's in a bad way. You did you routine of brushing your teeth, taking a shower, and getting ready like everyday. You got out of your house moving your h/c hair that was flying onto your face because of the strong force of wind coming from the side of your direction. You didn't seem special in your view for various reasons

You sat at the bus stop

Got onto the bus

And reach the destination.

you walk out of the bus thanking the driver and paying him with the little money you had. you won't lie, you weren't broke but you were saving up all the money you earn just in case some big event that leads to you needed money so you would have it on hand. For how you've collected around $80-90k and no you didn't save ALL the money you got, you still needed to buy clothes and food for yourself. The house was huge it had around 6-8 rooms and it passed down to you from your father but you had kicked mother out of the house due to her toxic relationship with you.
As the bell chimed in you hurried off to class not wanting to be late even for 1 minute for various reasons,
"I'm sorry the bus was a bit packed today.."
"Well HOW IS IT MY FAULT I CANT RUN FAST YOU MODERN BITCH!" as you realised what you just said you had covered your mouth shaking in fear as t/n walked over to you. "Your going to regret saying that to me ever again.." t/n said as they pulled out a ruler and told y/n to turn around, you straightened your back facing the teacher. You winced in pain as t/n rised their ruler and hit as hard as they could. To y/n this was a normal day, getting a beating, learn to be formal and just absolute nonsense but you had to stay , you still needed a better job

*time skip to end of school day*
Warning: s3xu@l harassment

"We'll look who it is, miss/sir nobody"
"B/n please im not in the mood you have like a whole other year could you just leave me alone this once?"
As b/n came over to you pinning you to the wall you just stare as they put their head into the crook of your neck and gave a little hickey, you boiled with anger you may let people bully you but no way in hell we're you going to let someone sexually harass you . You raised your leg as hard and quick as you could hitting b/n right in their womanhood/manhood as they fall down groaning in pain as the other bullies start chasing you
You panicked this isn't what you had in mind, but what would've happened if you let them continue, that would've been that worst time of your life but right now you need to survive so you start sprinting as fats as you could into a forest nearby turning you head around seeing the bullies stop in their tracks, seems they're scared of the wood?.. (hehe pussies)

At least you knew the way of this forest as you took a couple turns finding a bus stop sitting down panting out of breath and waiting for the bus.

You pull out your phone and see it says.. 6:37PM?!? I mean at least the bus should be here in around 5 minutes? You grab your scarf from your bag and and wrap it around your neck hiding the somewhat visible hickey, you didn't want anyone to know you had a hickey what would they think of you?!? You felt like something was telling you to turn around so then you did but nothing was there

'Stupid mind' you said to yourself as you turn back seeing the bus arrive, finally.. you can go home in peace you thought to yourself seeing the nice bus driver you know you could trust with your life..


Word count: 872 words
Yo yo yo I hope you like this chapter sorry it's so short i have school so I needed to finish this as quick as i could- 💀

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