Our new cabin

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Percys pov

I stepped out of the portal, my soldiers behind me, into the middle of dinner. Apparently the Cabin leadars arent back yet so its just Chiron and the rest of the campers, and the hunters of Artemis. We landed right in front of the dinning pavilion, every head turned toward us, no one spoke. I stepped forward and said "we are the Chaos warriros and here to help in the new war". "What war?" Some demeter camper asked. "Its obvious theres a war, just put all the clues together, its a matter of time before we get our first wave of war"Annabeth said. A bunch of campers gasped at that. "The gods told me you were coming, I think theirs room in the posioden cabin for you guys to stay". "We already got a cabin" Claire said. "Where?" An Aries kid asked standing up. I rolled my eyes and pointed to the edge of the woods, a pitch black with grey trimed cabin appeared there, " right their, no ones aloud in without permisision". Everyone nodded and we walked to our cabin, ignoring the stairs from the campers.
When we walked in the warriors and I were taken back by how nice the Cabin was. The walls were grey with cobble stone liner, their was a big round couch in the middle of the first room, with a huge TV facing it. In the right corner their was a huge kitchen with island. Their were six doors leading off, each with a sighn. To the left there were 3 doors one saying "boys bedroom", another saying "study" and the last one saying "boys hangout". To the right their were three doors, one saying "girls bedroom" another saying "girls hangout room" and the last one saying, "rage room". The kitchen was black marble with purple rim.
"This place is awsome" Piper said. I had to aggre with her. "Well, I'm going to bed" me and luke said at the same time. The thing is we wernt going to bed, we are gonna wait till everyone's asleep, then prank them. Me and luke are prank masters. Me and luke smiked mysteriously and went too the boys bedroom. Their were three beds, each a diffrent color. One was black with sea green sheets, one was red with golden sheets and one was oranhe with red sheets. I jumped on mine and relaxed. Tonight will be fun.

I cant really exsplain decor stuff so this is the best I can do.

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