Prank war (2 prospectices)

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Lukes pov

I’m glad that we're doing the prank night because Percy seems legitimately excited, probably because  he loved pulling pranks on the rest of the warriors and Chaos. I hate the campers, especially Jason Grace.  Piper told me he was feeding lies to everyone and the whole camp ended up hating Percy and Annabeth. The stupid gods belived him too, it's like Percy didn’t save Olmypus twice and becae the most sucseful demigod for centruys. Anyways, Chaos didn’t tell us the cabin leaders were still alive, which he so should have, I’m  just surprised Percy hasn't done a ‘no you’ on them and make them leave and feel his pain. 
       “Are you ready?” Percy asked me and Charles who were fake sleeping. “Totally” I responded jumping out of bed. “Who should we start with first?” Charles asked.  I slipped by Black boots on and walked to the closet, where the pranking supplies were. “Maybe our wives and your girl freind, then Zoe and Bianca, then maybe some of the campers, they wont know what hit them because we're new they will think it's the hermes cabin” I said grabbing the three boxes. “Great plan” Percy stated putting on his black cloak that covers his eyes, “One problem I’m leaving The girls to last, I have some people I want to prank before the supplied runs out”. Charles nodded and Him and I grabbed one box and Percy grabbed the last one. “Don’t forget to put your cloaks on before you leave” Percy said before sliding out the front door. 
       Me and Charles silently snuck into the girls room. You probably wouldn’t think He was one for pranking, but he is a master. The girls were sleeping peacefully in their beds, perfect time to pounce.  I set my box next to Pipers bed while Charles made his way to Silena. I Grabbed Neon green hair spray and gently and quietly sprayed her hair. When she wakes up she will be Covered in green spray.  I wanted to do more but i decided to Head out to the cabins I wanted to prank. I threw on my hood and cloak and walked out the door with my box of supplies. 
       I headed over to the Hermes cabin and walked in. I switched out the board games and anything fun with books and Paper. They are gonna be so sad when they wake up. I looked over the cabin, I did miss this place but not anymore, what they did to my friends was cruel. I sighed and walked back to the Chaos cabin. 

Percys pov

      I walked through the quiet camp to the Zeus cabin. Their were three cabins i wanted to prank. Zeus, Athena because Annabeths isn't a part of the pranking spree, and Aphrodite because Pipers inst part of the pranking. As I approached  cabin 1 I took out all the stuff i needed for the prank, (I don’t want to have to carry the box inside).  I grabbed thumb tacks and super glue from the box and walked into the cabin, let the pranking begin.
      The cabin was dark except for the creepy statue of Zues which was glowing faintly. I saw Jason peacefully sleeping on his bed, Not for long. Nick was sleeping on his bed too. I spread all the thumb tacks around Jason's bed and Superglued Nick to his bed, surprisingly neither woke up. Before I left I set a nightmare spell on Jason, when he wakes up he will relive his dreams till i let him out, good times. I left the cabin and headed over to the athena cabin. I spread cobwebs all over the cabin with fake spiders. Then i conjured up real spiders and put them on top of the battle plans and the books. When they wake up their gonna be terrified. I laughed a quiet one and walked out of the cabin. Next on the list was the Aphrodite cabin, this will be fun.  
     Automatically I  switched out all the makeup products and put gross stuff like rotten food, and smelly cloths. I used my darkness powers to make it so nome of the spotlights worked for a while. I painted the expensive cloths browns and blacks. I smiled knowing i gave Piper her revenge and walked out, not before smashing my fist threw one of their mirrors, Piper always wanted to do that. I sighed, sad that most of the fun was over and walked back to the Chaos cabin.  

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