He looked almost evil

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Annabeth's Pov

When I heard that Percy was back from visiting his father I was thrilled! But when I heard he collapsed on the spot, he had me quite worried. Charles caught him and he passed out and he and Luke set him on the bed. I rushed to his side along with Piper and the other two boys. The rest of the group was out somewhere around camp. His breathing wasn't irregular and he seemed to not be facing any injuries.

"Do any of you guys feel that?" Piper questioned us. "He feels off, the whole vibe around him feels weird" Now that she mentions it I felt it too, Percy's araua felt like Chaos's.

"Your right," Charles mumbled. "He doesn't seem to be dead or hurt but we should check–"

"Don't worry, the expert is here!" Luke interrupted making Charles scowl. Luke went to check Percy's pulse on his wrist when a hand clenched around his, sending him flying across the room. None of us had time to react as we were dragged to the wall and held there by an invisible force. Luke grunted while standing up but didn't make it far before he was pushed up against the wall by a man, a sword at his throat. Not just any sword Nightmare. Also, not just any man, Percy!.

His eyes were clouded over while he pushed Luke against the wall. Percy's stance was solid. Power surged through the room towards him. This was the one time I saw Luke afraid. Finally Percy came to his senses and let Luke go, His eyes were back to normal and we could move again.

"Sorry about that" Percy rubbed his neck sheepishly.

"You almost killed me!" Luke threw his hands up in the air dramatically.

"Don't try touching me while I'm passed out next time" Percy shot back.

"Maybe don't–"

"Boys!" Piper shouted. Percy and Luke turned towards us, both now aware we were still here.

"Percy drop your sword, nothing here will hurt you" Piper spoke, words laced with charmspeak. Percy's hand didn't even falter.


"That may work on lukie boy over here" Percy pointed his sword tip at Luke and swatted it away with one hand. "But that doesn't work on Mr. Primordial over here"


Luke took out his dagger and sliced Percy's exposed arm. Percy jerked back and dropped his sword. Mracassly Percy's blood, once crimson, was now gold.

"You little! Kejfje" A sword clang from outside the cabin blocked off what Percy was about to say next. "What if I was joking and you just killed me?! What would you have done then???"

Luke shrugged and flopped onto his bed. Percy rolled his eyes, picked up his sword and laid it on the bedside table.

"Explain now" I demanded Percy, dragging him by the ear to sit down on the living room couch. The other three followed suit.

What came out of his words next left me feeling shocked, and a bit proud but mainly nervous!

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