The sweat sound of fighting

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The new name for the daughter of Chaos (used to be claire) is Ophelia

Third person pov

           It was 8:00 on the warm, summer morning. Campers and hunters fillied in their tables at the dining pavilion, talking and chattering the whole time. The Chaos warriros, already their watched as everyone orderd their food and got confortable, conpletly forgetting they were their. Percy, Luke, and Ophelia, sat on one side and Annabeth, Piper, Chalres, and Selina sat on the other side. Zoe and Binaca were ofd hunting somewhere. Percy and Annabeth avoiding eye contact, and any contact including speaking to eachother. The Chaos warriros spoke with hushed tones as Thaila, Nico and Will sat at their designated tables, staring intently at them.
      "Do you think they will tell anyone, I cant belive we forgot to make them swear on the river stx!" Luke esclamied. "Maybe if some people didn't reveal identies when some other people didn't want to reveal them selves, hmm wonder who would do that?" Percy stated to no body in general. "Are you blaming this on me?"Annabeth asked, "They havent even told anyone that we know of about our identies!". When no one was looking Ophelia put up sound proof walls because she knew a fight was coming.  "We were asked to ask questions not throw a idenity party!" Percy told her. "I agree, I didn't sighn up for that, I mean my idenity almost got spolied" Luke said. "Oh cause your idenity is so inportant? Suck it up" Piper told him. "Oh and your is?" Ophelia asked her. She never really liked piper, she had a crush on Luke way before Piper came.
        "What did you say angry isuess?, I couldn't hear you over trying to steal my boyfriend, I'm used to be daughter of Aphradite, I can since emotions" Piper yelled at her. Percy had to hold her down from attacking her. "What gives you the right to talk to my sister like that?" Percy asked Piper. "Shes not your real sister, she is your adoptive"Annabeth told him. While no one was looking Chalres and Selina slipped away past the sound proof walls. "That doesent mean you can treat her badly" Percy said Venom dripping from his words. "You want to see how I would treat her?, watch this 'savior'"  Piper triad to make a move with her dagger but Percy got in front of her A grabbed it out of her hands, making the shadows grab her and pin her against the ground.
       "P-Percy?". Percy turned around to see Ophelia stumbling holding her chest, there was a sickening noise and she winced in pain and fell. Percy caughter her right before she hit the ground and laid her down. Standing behind where she just was was Annabeth holding a blood soaked dagger, her eyes gold. Percy turned and looked at the unconscious Piper her eyes Gold too. Luke who somehow crept away from the fight was no where to be seen. Percy shadow traveld Annabeth and Piper back to the Chaos cabin, already knocking Annabeth out, he would deal with the posesing later. Percy looked down at the lifeless Ophelia blod soaking his cloak and the grass. With a swish of his hand he teloported them to Chaos Palace.
                                                .        .          .
        Percy and Ophelia Solified on hard ground in Percys old room. Chaos who was by the open door in the hall jumped at the sight of them. "Chaos, help" Percy said. Chaos urged forward and helped put Ophelia on the bed. Chaos clossed his eyes and hoverd his hand above the wound. "What happened?". "Annabeth, Piper, possesd!" Percy rushed out. Chaos stopped and sighed, frustrated. "What are you doing?,  save her!" Percy shouted. Chaos brushed his hands through his black hair, "I did all I can, the dagger was poisoned leaving her in a fatal state, right now shes in a coma hopefully stable, now much more to do except study the posion and hope for the best, I see you already took care of whatever was controlling them" Chaos said. Percy took in all Chaos said and nodded at the last part.  "I'm gonna go study the posion I sugest get back to Earth before they start looking for you" Chaos stated. Percy nodded and Chaos vanished.
        Right before Percy headed back to Earth Percy brushed his hand through Ophelias cold and limp one. They may have not been siblings by blood by they both lived eachother. "See you later Aligator"Percy mumbled before stepping away. "After awhile crocodile" Percy finsihed, he shadow traveled away from his sister, to the front of the Chaos cabin.

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