Of course!!

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Luke pov

It has been a few days since Percy came back from Tartarus with Nyx and the campers are driving me crazy. Every time we walk into the dining pavilion to have at least something to eat they always stare at us and act like we are a pest, the worst is Mr Jason Grace the savior of the olympus.

"I hear that Chaos took pity on them for dying in there past life, I bet they were all a weak demigod that I bet didn't even know how to hold a shield" Jason bragged to whoever would listen, which just happened to be the Aphrodite cabin, the Ares cabin and the Hermes cabin.

I rolled my eyes at them and continued eating my food. I can understand why Percy, Annabeth and Piper left, they truly are imbeciles.

As breakfast started to end Chiron stood up and walked to the front of the pavilion, "I have just got news that the Romans at Camp Jupiter are coming across state to help protect camp, apparently Tarturas only wants our camp demolished and destroyed and doesn't care about the roman camp, so be nice to your guests when they arrive" Chiron walked out of the Pavilion, toward the big house.

I looked at Percy and he stood up, "Campers in honor of the Romans arrival, when they get here we'll take an extra capture the flag game in their honor" Many people groaned and dragged themselves out of the pavilion until it was just us warriors left.

"Let's talk strategy" Annabeth pulled out a map that was inside her cloak and laid it on our table. It showed the whole Long Island including camp half blood. "Whenever Tartarus strikes we need to be prepared, we need to make sure that the whole surrounding area including the woods of camp is covered with demigods, we can't let any monster through, Since there are nine of us if Claire gets better we will split up and take every side with at least one or two of the cabins"

Annebeth pointed to many of the different areas of camp as she labels where people would be, she really thought this through. Annabeth was about to continue when Thiala ran up to us.

"A prophecy is being told!" She shouted before gesturing for us to follow, she then ran off to the big house where the senior campers were running.

It was a bit cramped inside with all of us but we managed to give Rachel room when green spoke started pouring out of her mouth and her eyes turned a cloudy green.

The three who returned shall meet their mark

As the night reaches the darkest, dark

Five shall journey into the depths

On one important final quest

As the king takes his finally stand

The traitor shall reveal their evil plan

Rachel fell to the ground unconscious as Will brought her to the infirmary. I looked around the room and noticed how everyone looked confused.

"It's first line doesn't make sense but the second one might mean that Tartras will attack at the night's darkest point" Annabeth said as we took a seat around the ping pong table.

"Maybe the next two lines mean that five demigods have to go on a quest" Malcolm thought out loud. Many people nodded their heads in understanding.

"Who is the king that will presumably die?" Katie Gardener said as she braided a flower crown.

"Zeus?" Conner suggested.

"King midas?" Travis suggested.

As people kept suggesting I caught myself looking at Percy, It was hard to tell what he was feeling or thinking with the mask but I think he thought the same thing as me. He is the king of darkness.

As people in the room started talking about the lines of the whole prophecy Percy got up and left the room. I got up and followed him out the door, making sure that no one was following.

"Where are you going?" I asked as he tightened his hood on his cloak.

He turned around and faced me, I could see through his now off mask into his eyes that were filled with curiosity.

"I think it's time to go talk to my dear old father Chaos" He said before he disappeared into thin air.

I stood there staring at the place he just was before heading to the cabin, I need a nap.

I'm alive so don't kill me, Comment on lines that stand out to you💕

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