The End but It's also the begining

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Unknown POV

My feet bounded against the stone floor beneath me. My dress flowing behind me as I ran to catch up with the warrior ahead of me. The walls disappeared in a cloud of star matter behind my foot, the floor dissolving with it. The warrior ahead of me bounced around, their cape flowing with every step.

Who was this person?

I took the chance of turning my head to see how long I have before eternal torture but tripped into something in front of me. Both me and the warrior went crashing to the floor. The cloud swept over us in one big sweep and we were falling into darkness.

Or not darkness, more like me laying on top of the person beneath me in the middle of a throne room.

"Get off of me before I slaughter you!" I scrambled to my feet-only to fall back to my knees once I recognized where I was at.

"My-My l-lady" I bowed my head down, crossing my fist against my chest. The warrior followed my position, resting her head against her chest as she cursed herself silently.

"My Lady we tried really hard but this buffoon-" I looked up at the person in front of me who stopped what the warrior was about to say. It was Order, my queen.

"You will try again tomorrow, and the next day until you are ready to take on Chaos's heir" The warrior stifled in disapproval but hid it from Order in a motion of nodding her head.

"Ophelia" Order paused looking at the warrior beside me. Order flicked her wrist and the hood that covered their face revealing a set of long black hair and beautiful eyes. "You are tasked with going back to Earth and killing your brother"

"Wait, who is your brother on Earth? I might be able to smite them once I get back" I interjected.

"My brother is the one and only Percy Jackson, someone you tried so hard to kill, '' Ophelia announced.

"He's dead, his soul is in the underworld"

"Not if the soul lives on in the lead warrior of Chaos" Order proclaimed.

"Wait" I stood up slowly, adjusting to the news I just got. "Torture is Perceus Jackson..."

"WHAT!" I turned around and saw an Iris message simmering in showing a meeting at Camp Half blood with all the Gods and Goddesses and their children at the amphitheater all except for me. Zeus was standing up, his eyes a blaze and two lightning bolts pointed at Torture and one pointed at the Iris message. I looked towards Jason who was staring open mouthed at me, scared for his own life. I looked towards Torture who was slowly standing up, His sword drawn and black energy circling him.

"You have betrayed us all Aphrodite"

MY breathing picked up and I knew if It wasn't for us being so many miles away than I would've been killed by the lust demigods staring murderously back at me.

"Well Mortals" Order stood, facing the iris message, making it grow so Ophelia was in the frame making Torture stumbled back a little and tighten the grip on his sword.

Order smiled wickedly, her pearly white hair blowing with the wind.

"The war has begun"

Sorry for writing such a short chapter today but have had some things going on and IT's been hard to write. I probably will be ending the book on this note and hopefully might start a second because this one got pretty long already so...........PEACE OUT LOVES

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