Apparently I'm pretty scary

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Percys pov

   Lets just say the morning was Chaos (no pun intended), The girls except for Claire, we were too scared to prank her, were freaking out. Annabeth walked out off the room at 5:30 and looked horrified, she was holding one of the baby books I switched out and covered in spider webs.  Luke, Charles, and I were all sitting on the coach, enjoying the show.   Zoe ran out of the girls bedroom screaming, trying to rub the makeup off with her sleeve,  Bianca was dowsing her face and hair with water. Piper and Selina yelled and ran out of the bedroom, probably because they were both, or used to be daughters of aphrodite. Selina ended up chasing Charles around and Piper ended up punching luke in the face. Annabeth sat next to me glaring, “so this is why you went to bed early”. I nodded. She rolled her eyes and stood up, “it's about time to go to breakfast, we will probably need to go to show they could trust us”. I grounded and stood up, singled to the rest of the warriors and Claire, who i just noticed standing in the door way, and walked off to get my cloak. 
                              *                            *                                   *
We walked In formation to breakfast, we didn't have to worry about campers staring at us on the way because we were late so they were already their.   We walked in just as Chiron was talking, “-ust treat them with respect, here they are now”. I nodded at Chiron and made a table appear for us. It was dark wood with wite carvings al over the legs. The campers gawked at it while we just sat down. Annabeth, luke,  Piper and I sat on one side and Charles, Selina, Zoe, Bianca, and Claire sat on the other. My sides backs were facing away from the campers, luckily. I Conjured up  breakfast for the rest of the warriors and a blue smoothie, with a case around it so no one could see it, for me. The campers tried (Key word tried) to talk about us without us knowing but failed. I saw Zoe and Bianca grab their daggers, probably about to go “nicely” shut them up, but i held my hand up. I nodded at them and stood up. I faced the camera who were quiet,  “WE can hear you by the way, either you shut up or you get a sword down your throat and a little glimpse of what your afraid of” I said my words dripping with venom.  All the campers except for Jason quieted down,  “Yeah right, im not afraid of anything” . I smirked and waved my hand, showing the whole camp Jason Graces fear. Me. I Misty figure of me holding my sword shone above the Zeus table. Jason looked back horrified while the Campers were in shock. The rest of my warriors burst out laughing, Calire the loudest. When I looked around the only ones not surprised were Thaila, Nico and Will, they were trying to make a secret mouth gestures to each other, eagin key word tried. “Meet at Zeus fist tonight?” Thaila lip talked. “Sure” Nico mouthed, while Will Nodded. I was so gonna follow them and see what's up. Anyways, i sat back down and got rid of the figure. I faced back to the warriors who were just recovering from laughter. The campers overcame their shock and went back to silently eating. Just a second before impact I caught A dagger aiming for my head.
I swirled around and saw who throne it. Jason was standing up his mouth wide open. I twirled the Dagger in between my fingers and made it disappear into nothing ness. Annabeth had to hold me back from murdering him. “Next time you have a issue, don’t take it back on me got it, because theirs much more to show the camp than just your one fear” I growled. Jason nodded and sat back down. “I am gonna go train, i cant stand them anymore, Claire your in charge” I telepathy told my warriors, then i flashed away from the idiots that used to be my family.

Sorry for a long wait before this chapter,


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