Two of us will die, and we are okay with it?

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Pipers pov

“Tortures going to go talk to Chaos about the prophecy” Luke walked back into the room, standing next to me. 

“Well obviously the third line means that five shall journey into Tartarus, to look for what, I have no clue” Clarisse La Rue said, leaning on the table. 

“The fourth line says this will be the final quest, does that mean that Tarturas will kill us and make the end of the world or will we win on this quest?!” Katie exclaimed. 

“Before we make assumptions, prophecies always have different meanings, we can't start stressing on this before we know for sure. First let's assess the five on the quest!” Annabeth leaned on her elbows. “Last time five people went on a quest it didn’t end well, so we need the bravest to go”

“Are we just going to ignore the fact that you just said the last time five people went on a quest it didn’t end well, two died but we are still going to go?” Will asked, he raised his hands and looked around. 

“You of all people doctor, should know that demigods, mortals and monsters die all the time. It's the matter of sacrifice that allows us to get the job done” Charlie counters.

“I’ll go,” A new voice said. 

We all turned our heads to see three people walking in with dark purple shirts on, the romans have arrived. 

“We were told by our new oracle the prophecy and offered help”  Frank told everyone present before the three made their way to an open part of the table. Frank, Reyna, and Hazel haven't changed much, they all look a little older and Frank has grown out of his baby face. 

“I’ll go because I can control the mist and that should help us out alot” Hazel said. 

“Tortue will probably go because he can navigate tartarus and I will follow him to the end of the Earth” Luke gripped my hand as he spoke, making me nervous like he knows someone will not make it back. 

“That's three, we need two more” Drew spoke while applying lipstick, what is wrong with that girl? 

“I refuse to sit here and not do anything” Annabeth took a step back and stood next to me. “One more” 

The room quieted as everyone looked at each other. No one wanted to volunteer, it was basically a death sentence. 

“I will go, I am good with making weapons and could fix up any device if needed” Charlie broke the silence. 

“N-No don’t you dare leave, please!” Seilna begged. Charlie grabbed her arm leading her outside, it made me feel sorrow for them, they are always split apart for the immortals games of power. 

“That's five then, we should leave as soon as Torture gets back, tonight we will have a capture the flag tornement, Camp jupiter against camp half blood” Annabeth announced before we started heading out. Luke led me towards the arena, hopefully we could clear my head because right now I knew we were losing two people. 

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